About the Simba Hive JDBC Connector

The Simba Hive JDBC Connector is used for direct SQL and HiveQL access to Apache Hadoop / Hive distributions, enabling Business Intelligence (BI), analytics, and reporting on Hadoop / Hive-based data. The connector efficiently transforms an application’s SQL query into the equivalent form in HiveQL, which is a subset of SQL-92. If an application is Hive-aware, then the connector is configurable to pass the query through to the database for processing. The connector interrogates Hive to obtain schema information to present to a SQL-based application. Queries, including joins, are translated from SQL to HiveQL. For more information about the differences between HiveQL and SQL, see Features.

The Simba Hive JDBC Connector complies with the JDBC 4.1 and 4.2 data standards. JDBC is one of the most established and widely supported APIs for connecting to and working with databases. At the heart of the technology is the JDBC connector, which connects an application to the database. For more information about JDBC, see https://insightsoftware.com/blog/what-is-jdbc/.

This guide is suitable for users who want to access data residing within Hive from their desktop environment. Application developers might also find the information helpful. Refer to your application for details on connecting via JDBC.

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