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Publishing Resources from One Server to Another

You can publish resources in the resource tree of a Report Server (source server) to another Report Server (target server), using the TargetServerManager and TargetServer objects in the jet.server.api package of the Server API. This topic describes the methods in TargetServerManager and TargetServer.


The TargetServerManager object manages the TargetServer objects. You can get it using the method RptServer.getTargetServerManager().

See the methods in TargetServerManager:

  • String createTargetServer(user, connectionProp)
    Creates the TargetServer object for the specified user using the designated connection properties. Returns the ID for the newly created TargetServer object; or throws exception when connectionProp is invalid.
    • user - The username used to sign in to the target server.
    • connectionProp - A property that contains the connection information.
  • TargetServer getTargetServer(ID)
    Gets the TargetServer object of the specified ID. Returns null if there is not the TargetServer object for the current user; or throws exception when the TargetServer object is invalid.
    • ID - The ID of the TargetServer object.
  • void deleteTargetServer(ID)
    Deletes the TargetServer object of the specified ID.
    • ID - The ID of the TargetServer object.
  • Properties getConnectionProp(ID)
    Gets the connection properties stored in the specified TargetServer object.
    • ID - The ID of the TargetServer object.

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The TargetServer object indicates the target server. It contains username and connection properties. Each username corresponds to one TargetServer object.

See the methods in TargetServer:

  • void connect()
    Signs in to the target server where to publish resources and creates a new session.
  • void disconnect()
    Signs out of the target server and removes the session.
  • String getFolderTree(permissions)
    Gets the JSON string of the target server resource folder tree according to the specified permissions.
    • permission - The permissions the signed-in user has on the target server folders.
  • boolean resourceExists(path)
    Returns whether the specified path node exists on the target server resource tree.
    • path - The path on the target server resource tree.
  • String getPermission(path)
    Gets the binary string of the permissions the signed-in user has on the specified path.
    • path - The path on the target server resource tree.
  • void setPermission(path, permissions)
    Sets permissions for the signed-in user on the specified target server path.
    • path - The path on the target server resource tree.
    • permissions - The permissions the signed-in user has on the specified path.
  • void addResourceFile(path, resourceName, fromFile, properties, permissions)
    Publishes the specified resource file to the designated path on the target server.
    • path - The path on the target server resource tree where to publish resources.
    • resourceName - The node name for the to-be-published resources on the target server.
    • fromFile - The compressed file that contains the resources you want to publish.
    • properties - The properties of the to-be-published resources.
    • permissions - The user permissions for the to-be-published resources.
  • void createFolder(path, resourceName, properties, permissions)
    Creates folder on the target server.
    • path - The path on the target server resource tree where to create the folder.
    • resourceName - The name of the new folder.
    • properties - The properties of the new folder.
    • permissions - The user permissions for the new folder.
  • Properties getResourceProperties(path)
    Gets the properties of the specified path on the target server.
    • path - The path on the target server resource tree.
  • void setResourceProperties(path, properties)
    Sets properties for the specified path on the target server.
    • path - The path on the target server resource tree.
    • properties - The properties of the resource path.
  • void deleteResource(path)
    Deletes the specified path from the target server.
    • path - The path on the target server resource tree.

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