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Data Field Properties

You can use the Data Field Properties dialog box to edit the properties of a DBField. This topic describes the properties in the dialog box.

This topic contains the following sections:

You see these elements on all the tabs:


Select to apply any changes you made here and close the dialog box.


Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.


Select to view information about the dialog box.

General Tab Properties

Specify the general properties of the data field.

Data Field Properties dialog box - General tab


Specify the display name of the data field.

Show NLS Value

Select to show the translated name for the display name of the object in the Name text box if you have enabled the NLS feature and translated it, and when you have not modified the display name of the object.


Specify the data format of the data field.

Format Locale

Specify the locale for displaying and formatting values of the object when its data type is locale sensitive, such as the date and time formats, and number and currency formats. Default is the locale of your JVM or the language of the NLS report. Choose an option from the drop-down list if you want to change the locale.

Note icon When you use a formula to control the locale, the return value should be the two-letter language and country codes as defined by ISO-639 and ISO-3166 in the format language_country, for example, de_DE.

Auto Scale in Number

Select true if you want to automatically scale the values that are of the Number data type when the values fall into the two ranges:
  • When 1000 <= value < 10^15, Report uses the following quantity unit symbols of the International System of Units to scale the values: K (10^3), M (10^6), G (10^9), and T (10^12).
  • When 0 < value < 0.001 or value >= 10^15, Report uses scientific notation to scale the values.

The value auto means that the setting follows that of the parent data container. When you set the property to true, the specified format will apply to the integer part of the values after being scaled. If the specified format conflicts with the Number data type, Report will ignore the Auto Scale in Number setting.


Select the position mode of the object when it is directly contained in the report body, a tabular cell, or a text box.

  • Absolute
    Select if you want to use the X and Y property values to decide the object's position.
  • Static
    Select if you want to place the object at the default location in its container. Server will hide or disable the X, Y, and other position-related properties.


Specify the X coordinate of the data field.


Specify the Y coordinate of the data field.


Specify the width of the data field.


Specify the height of the data field.

Top Padding

Specify the space between the text of the object and its top border.

Bottom Padding

Specify the space between the text of the object and its bottom border.

Left Padding

Specify the space between the text of the object and its left border.

Right Padding

Specify the space between the text of the object and its right border.


Specify the background color of the data field.

To change the color, select the color indicator to access the Select Color dialog box, and then specify a new color. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value to specify a color, for example, #9933ff. If you want to make the background transparent, type Transparent in the text box.


Specify the foreground color of the data field.

To change the color, select the color indicator to access the Select Color dialog box, and then specify a new color. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value to specify a color, for example, #9933ff.

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Font Tab Properties

Specify the font properties of the data field.

Data Field Properties dialog box - Font tab


Select the font face of the text.


Specify the font size of the text.

Horizontal Alignment

Select the horizontal alignment mode of the text in the object.

Vertical Alignment

Select the vertical alignment mode of the text in the object.


Enable this property if you want to make the text bold.


Enable this property if you want to make the text italic.


Enable this property if you want to underline the text.


Enable this property if you want to attach a strikeout line to the text.


Enable this property if you want to automatically expand the object width according to the maximum length of the contents.

Reduce Width When Autofit

Enable this property if you want to reduce the width of the object according to its content when you specify to automatically adjust its width (the object's Autofit being true) and the actual width of the content is smaller than that of the object.

Note icon This property takes effect when you set Position of the object to absolute; but, it does not work if the Word Wrap property of the object is true.

Word Wrap

Enable this property if you want to wrap the text to the object width.

Ignore HTML Tag

Enable this property if you don't want Report Engine to parse the HTML tag elements in the text, at runtime or in the HTML output, so they display exactly as what they are in the report.

Disable this property if you want Engine to transfer the HTML tag elements to the web browser so the web browser translates them into HTML.

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Border Tab Properties

Specify the border properties of the data field.

Data Field Properties dialog box - Border tab


Specify the border color.


Specify the border width in inches.

Top Line

Select the style of the top border line.

Bottom Line

Select the style of the bottom border line.

Left Line

Select the style of the left border line.

Right Line

Select the style of the right border line.


Select true if you want to add a shadow effect to the border.

Shadow Color

Specify the color of the border shadow. To change the color, select the color indicator to access the Select Color dialog box, and then specify a new color. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value to specify a color, for example, #9933ff.

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Others Tab Properties

Configure some miscellaneous settings.

Data Field Properties dialog box - Others tab

TOC Anchor

Select true if you want to add the object to the TOC tree in the TOC Browser.

Suppress When No Records

Select true if you want to hide the object in the report when no record returns to its parent data component.

Suppress If Null

If true and the field value is null, Server will not display the data field.

Export to XLS

Select true if you want to export the object when you save the report as an XLS file (make sure to check Data Format in the Export dialog box).

Export to CSV

Select true if you want to export the object when you save the report as a TXT file with Delimited Format.

Logic Column

You see this property when the object is in a table. Select next visible column if you want to show the object in the next visible table cell in the same row when you have hidden the column that holds the object.

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Display Tab Properties

You can use this tab to modify the display type of the data field as one of the following: Text, Barcode, QR Code, Image, Text Field, Text Area, Checkbox, Radio Button, Image Button, Button, Submit, Reset, and Hidden. Select an item from the Display Type list, and then set the corresponding properties.

Note icon For the Text display type, there is no property available. For a field that displays as rank, you cannot change its display type.


Select to display the data field as barcode.

Data Field Properties dialog box - Barcode Display Type


Select the barcode type.

Scale Mode

Select the unit for the values of Quiet Zone, Narrow Width, Supplement, Height, and Ratio.

Quiet Zone

Specify the space around the barcode.

Narrow Width

Specify the width of the narrowest barcode bar.


Specify the supplement of the barcode.


Specify the height of the barcode bars.


Specify the default value of the barcode.


Specify the width ratio of the thick bar to the thin bar.


Specify the rotation angle in degrees.

Use Default Message

Select true to use the Message value as the barcode value in the report.

Enable Checking Digits

Select true to include check digits in the barcode.

Display HR

Select true to display the characters together with the barcode bars.

QR Code

Select to display the data field as QR Code.

Data Field Properties dialog box - QR Code Display Type


Specify the margin between the image in the middle of the QR Code and the border of the QR Code.

Error Correction Level

Select the error correction level for the QR Code: L, M, Q, or H.

Default Message

Specify the default value of the QR Code.

Use Default Message

Select true to use the default value of the QR Code in the report.


Select to display the data field as image.

Data Field Properties dialog box - Image Display Type

Scaling Mode

Server enables this property when Original Size is false.

  • actual size
    Select to show the image in its actual size. If the display area is smaller than the image, Server hides part of the image.
  • fit image
    Select if you want the image to fill the display area and keep the original perspective ratio under the limitation of Max Ratio.
  • fit width
    Select if you want the image to fit the display area width under the limitation of Max Ratio.
  • fit height
    Select if you want the image to fit the display area height, under the limitation of Max Ratio.
  • customize
    Select if you want to specify the width and height of the image in the size fields.

When you select fit height, fit image, or fit width, the image scales under the limitation of Max Ratio.


Type a degree to rotate the image at a specified angle.

Note icon As you rotate the image, it is possible that part of the image exceeds the image area. Report hides the part of the image that goes beyond the image area.


Specify the name of the image. It maps to the HTML element attribute "name".

Alternate Text

Specify the alternate text of the image, which shows when the image cannot display.

Max Ratio

Specify the maximum scaling ratio up to which the image can scale. By default, the scaling ratio of the image is limitless.


Specify the width of the area for displaying the image. Server enables this property when Original Size is false.


Specify the height of the area for displaying the image. Studio enables this property when Original Size is false.

Original Size

Select true to show the image in its original size.

Text Field

Select to display the data field as text field.

Data Field Properties dialog box - Text Field Display Type


Select Standard to render the field as a normal text field or select Password to render the field as a password box.


Specify the name of the text field. It maps to the HTML element attribute "name".


Specify the tip information which shows when you hover over the text field. It maps to the HTML element attribute "title".

Character Width

Specify the width of the text field, measured in the number of characters.

Max Length

Specify the maximum number of the characters that you can type in the text field.

Read Only

Select true to make the text field read-only.


Select true to disable the text field.

Note icon When displaying a data field as text field, the value you have specified for the field's font property Vertical Alignment no longer takes effect, because the HTML standard does not support the property.

Text Area

Select to display the data field as text area.

Data Field Properties dialog box - Text Area Display Type


Specify the name of the text area. It maps to the HTML element attribute "name".


Specify the tip information which shows when you hover over the text area. It maps to the HTML element attribute "title".


Select true to wrap text to the width of the text area.

Note icon When displaying a data field as text area, the value you have specified for the field's font property Vertical Alignment no longer takes effect, because the HTML standard does not support the property.

Read Only

Select true to make the text area read-only.


Select true to disable the text area.


Select to display the data field as checkbox.

Data Field Properties dialog box - Checkbox Display Type


Specify the name of the checkbox. It maps to the HTML element attribute "name".


Specify the tip information which shows when you hover over the checkbox. It maps to the HTML element attribute "title".


Select true to disable the checkbox.

Initially Checked

Select true to select the checkbox by default.

Radio Button

Select to display the data field as radio button.

Data Field Properties dialog box - Radio Button Display Type


Specify the name of the radio button. It maps to the HTML element attribute "name".


Specify the tip information which shows when you hover over the radio button. It maps to the HTML element attribute "title".


Select true to disable the radio button.

Initially Checked

Select true to select the radio button by default.

Image Button

Select to display the data field as image button.

Data Field Properties dialog box - Image Button Display Type

Scaling Mode

Server enables this property when Original Size is false.

  • actual size
    Select to show the image in its actual size. If the display area is smaller than the image, Server hides part of the image.
  • fit image
    Select if you want the image to fill the display area and keep the original perspective ratio under the limitation of Max Ratio.
  • fit width
    Select if you want the image to fit the display area width under the limitation of Max Ratio.
  • fit height
    Select if you want the image to fit the display area height, under the limitation of Max Ratio.
  • customize
    Select if you want to specify the width and height of the image in the size fields.

When you select fit height, fit image, or fit width, the image scales under the limitation of Max Ratio.


Specify the name of the image button. It maps to the HTML element attribute "name".

Alternate text

Specify the alternate text of the image, which shows when the image cannot display.


Specify the tip information which shows when you hover over the image button. It maps to the HTML element attribute "title".

Max Ratio

Specify the maximum scaling ratio up to which the image can scale. By default, the scaling ratio of the image is limitless.


Specify the width of the area for displaying the image. Server enables this property when Original Size is false.


Specify the height of the area for displaying the image. Server enables this property when Original Size is false.

Original Size

Select true to show the image in its original size.


Select true to disable the image button.


Select to display the data field as button.

Data Field Properties dialog box - Button Display Type


Specify the name of the button. It maps to the HTML element attribute "name".


Specify the tip information which shows when you hover over the button. It maps to the HTML element attribute "title".


Specify the text you want to display on the button. To make this property work, you need to set From Database to false.

From Database

Select true to use the current DBField value as the display text on the button. Select false and you can use the Value property to specify the display text.


Select true to disable the button.

Note icon When displaying a data field as button, the value you have specified for the field's font property Vertical Alignment no longer takes effect, because the HTML standard does not support the property.


Select to display the data field as submit button.

Data Field Properties dialog box - Submit Button Display Type


Specify the name of the submit button. It maps to the HTML element attribute "name".


Specify the tip information which shows when you hover over the submit button. It maps to the HTML element attribute "title".


Specify the text you want to display on the submit button. To make this property work, you need to set From Database to false.

From Database

Select true if you want to use the current DBField value as the display text on the submit button. Select false and you can use the Value property to specify the display text.


Select true to disable the submit button.


Select to display the data field as reset button.

Data Field Properties dialog box - Reset Button Display Type


Specify the name of the reset button. It maps to the HTML element attribute "name".


Specify the tip information which shows when you hover over the reset button. It maps to the HTML element attribute "title".


Specify the text you want to display on the reset button. To make this property work, you need to set From Database to false.

From Database

Select true if you want to use the current DBField value as the display text on the reset button. Select false and you can use the Value property to specify the display text.


Select true to disable the reset button.


Select to render the data field as hidden field.

Data Field Properties dialog box - Hidden Field Display Type


Specify the name of the hidden field. It maps to the HTML element attribute "name".


Specify the value of the hidden field.

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