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Report Licenses

Report has several add-on licenses. This topic describes the features each of the license enables. For more product information, including new purchases and upgrades, contact US Sales or UK Sales.

This topic contains the following sections:

Live License

Designer and Server have separate Live licenses.

Live license for Designer

A Live license for Designer enables you to utilize the following features on Designer:

  • Create and edit business views. These are meta-data descriptions created in Designer to be used as data sources for real time ad hoc reports.
  • Create reports from business views.
  • Export and print reports created from business views.
  • The following functions also require that Server has a Live license:
    • Preview web reports in Web Report Studio and preview page reports created using business views in Page Report Studio.
    • Publish reports created from business views to Server.
    • Download ad hoc reports created using business views from Server.

Live license for Server

A Live license for Server controls the real time ad hoc and analysis reporting on Server. The Live license enables you to utilize the following features and functions on Server:

  • Create, view, run, edit, export, print, and publish ad hoc page reports and web reports. The data sources for these reports are created in Designer, which requires Designer has a Live license.
  • All actions in Page Report Studio involving business views or changes to a report template:
    • Create new page reports or page report tabs
    • Delete report tabs from a page report
    • Add components and data fields into reports
    • Remove components from reports
    • Move and resize components
    • Edit component properties
    • Drill
    • Change chart type
    • Rotate tables and crosstabs
    • Convert between crosstab and chart
    • Create dataset filters
    • Display the Data panel which shows the data resources for the current open report

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JDashboard License

A JDashboard license enables the use of JDashboard and all related functions. Designer and Server have separate JDashboard licenses.

Since JDashboard requires using business views, the Live license is also required. Designer and Server have separate Live licenses too.

JDashboard license for Designer

A JDashboard license for Designer enables the creation of library components which are used to build dashboards and publishing of library components to Server.

JDashboard license for Server

A JDashboard license for Server enables the management of library components in the component library, the creation of dashboards using library components, and the use of dashboards.

Critical iconJDashboard is in maintenance mode, and we will not be adding new features to it. If you need more information, contact Customer Service.

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Visual Analysis License

A Visual Analysis license enables the use of Visual Analysis and all related functions. Since Visual Analysis requires using business views as the data source, you also need the Live license to perform visual analysis.

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Cluster License

A Cluster license enables a group of Servers to work together with shared resources, load balancing, and failover in a distributed cluster.

Organization License

An Organization license enables organizing users into different groups with their own administrators.

Catalog Studio License

A Catalog Studio license enables creating and updating catalogs using Catalog Studio on Server and all related functions.

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