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Report v23.3 Release Notes

This topic describes feature enhancements, resolved issues, and known issues of the Report v23.3 releases.

Critical iconIn the second week of December 2021, a Log4j vulnerability was announced that may affect some customers using our products. Resolving/mitigating this issue is a high priority! We will continue to issue information to help you with this vulnerability. For more information, see Statement on Log4j and Log4Net Vulnerabilities.

Feature Enhancements

Title Jira # Description
Control Error and Status Messages in JavaScript API JREP-22292 You can utilize callback functions in the JavaScript API to control error, warning, and status messages from applications out of Report. For more information, see Utilizing callback Functions to Control Messages from User Applications.
Key File and Username/Password for SFTP Schedule JREP-11527 You can now use the combination of an SSH key file and username/password to sign into your SFTP server, via the Server Console or Web API.

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Resolved Issues

Title Jira # Case # Change Description
Abnormal Login Page in Integration Environment JREP-25228 02793483 Server no longer displays an abnormal login page when the request you forward to run reports does not contain correct login information in an integration environment.
Apply Style List in JDashboard JREP-25717 03064215 JDashboard now displays the style list as expected in the Edit mode, when you select Apply Style on the shortcut menu of a library component.
Dropdown Button Border for Parameters JREP-25412 02855542 Web Report Studio now displays the borders of dropdown buttons for multi-valued parameters.
Restore Backup Realm DB in Cluster JREP-25451 02854949 Server can now restore your backup v14 realm DB in a cluster.
Run Page Reports via Servlet URL Forward JREP-25204 JREP-25209 02793483 You can now run reports in Page Report Studio by forwarding the servlet URL in an integrated environment without getting a 404 error message.
Update Parameter Values JREP-25679 03063628 Server can now refresh and display the values of other parameters when you update a parameter value for a page report.

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Known Issues

Report data gets cut off in PDF result due to PDF page size limitation

When you export a report to PDF, you will find that in the PDF output, some data of the report are cut off if the report contains a large amount of data but its page mode was specified to be continuous page mode or its page size was set to be larger than 200 inches. This is due to a PDF limitation where the data displayed can be no larger than 200 inches in a single PDF page.

Unsupported go-to action temporarily when using dynamic formulas on chart

You will get exceptions when you perform the go-to action on a chart which uses a dynamic formula as its shown value and the formula contains group information. This is a limitation in the current version. It will be resolved in a future release.

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