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Page Report Studio Tag Library

Page Report Studio provides a tag library to include custom tags such as mainpage, head, toc, and report. This topic describes how you can prepare for the use of the tag library and describes the tags.

You can use the custom tags to componentize JSP pages, increasing productivity and encapsulating recurring tasks so that you can reuse them across more than one application.

For technique topics on the JSP tag library, you can find references in JSP online documentation on the Sun Microsystems website at

Page Report Studio tags are classified as follows:

Before you can use the Page Report Studio tag library in Report Server, you should first copy the file Jinfonet_DHTML_taglib.tld in <install_root>\public_html\dhtmljsp to the folder where your JSP pages are.

And if you want to use the Page Report Studio tag library in any web server, you should first:

  1. Add JRWebDesign.jar in <install_root>\lib to the WAR file you want to publish to the web server.
  2. Add Jinfonet_DHTML_taglib.tld in <install_root>\public_html\dhtmljsp to the WAR file in which your JSP pages reside. Or alternatively, you can use web.xml to specify a path, for example,


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Embedded Tags


The dhtml tag is a container for the other tags, and it checks user information, runs a report, and imports resources for the other tags. All tags to be used should be included in this tag. It contains the following attributes:

Attribute Description
id - string Specifies the ID of the tag.
tagsetid - string Specifies the ID of the tag set. This attribute is required.
user - string The username for signing in to Report Server.
password - string The user password for signing in to Report Server.
report - string The name of the report the user wants to run. This attribute is required.
catalog - string The name of the catalog for the report. This attribute is required.
report_path - string The path of the report.
report_params - string All parameters (name/value pair) that are required for running the report, and the parameters are separated by & character.
catalog _version - integer The catalog version. Default value is 1.


The mainpage tag displays the Page Report Studio page in an IFrame. It contains the following attributes:

Attribute Description
width=length The width of the frame. It can be a relative or absolute value, for example, 70% or 1000px.
height=length The height of the frame. It can be a relative or absolute value, for example, 70% or 1000px.
top=length The top position of the frame, measured in pixels.
left=length The left position of the frame, measured in pixels.
align=[top/middle/|bottom/left/right] Specifies where the frame appears in the web browser window.
  • top - Aligns the frame to the top of the web browser window.
  • middle - Aligns the frame to the middle of the web browser window.
  • bottom - Aligns the frame to the bottom of the web browser window.
  • left - Aligns the frame to the left of the web browser window.
  • right - Aligns the frame to the right of the web browser window.
frameborder=[1/0] Sets or retrieves whether to display the frame border. Use 1 to show the frame border, or 0 to hide it.
scrolling=[yes/no/auto] Sets or retrieves whether the frame can be scrolled.
  • auto - Default. The web browser determines whether scroll bars are necessary.
  • yes - The frame can be scrolled.
  • no - The frame cannot be scrolled.
id - string Specifies the ID of the frame.
name - string Specifies the frame name.
position=[static/absolute/relative] Sets or retrieves the type of positioning used for the object.
  • static - Default. Object has no special positioning; it follows the layout rules of HTML.
  • absolute - Object is positioned relative to parent element's position—or to the body object if its parent element is not positioned—using the top and left properties.
  • relative - Object is positioned according to the normal flow, and then offset by the top and left properties.
All components that the user wants to display. The user can set any one or more of them, or use all to display all the components.

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Component Tags


The toc tag is for displaying the TOC Browser.


The toolbar tag is for displaying the toolbar.


The resview tag is for displaying the Resource View panel.


The toolbox tag is for displaying the Toolbox.


The button tag is for displaying buttons which match toolbar buttons but they can be placed anywhere in Page Report Studio.

Attribute Description
buttonid Identifies the specific button. You can obtain a constant Java class jet.web.dhtml.DHTMLConstant from the package JRWebDesign.jar located at <install_root>\lib. In this class, those constants with a prefix "TOOLBAR_" and of int data type represent the buttonid, and you can then know the buttonid according to the constant name. For example, <jinfonet:button buttonid="<%=String.valueOf(DHTMLConstant.TOOLBAR_NEW)%>"> will display the New button. This attribute is required.


The toolboxbutton tag is for displaying buttons which match Toolbox buttons but they can be placed anywhere in Page Report Studio.

Attribute Description
component_type Identifies the specific button. These constants are available for component_type: "Label", "Image", "Banded Object", "Table", "Crosstab", and "Chart". For example, <jinfonet:toolboxbutton component_type="Banded Object"/> will display the Banded Object button. This attribute is required.


The report tag is for Page Report Studio browser.

Attribute Description
width=length The width of the report browser, measured in pixels. Use -1 to set it to 100% of Internet Explorer window's width. In other web browsers, -1 means 650 pixels.
height=length The height of the report browser, measured in pixels. Use -1 to set it to 100% of Internet Explorer window's height. In other web browsers, -1 means 600 pixels. This attribute is required.
top=length The top position of the report browser, measured in pixels.
left=length The left position of the report browser, measured in pixels.
id Specifies the ID of the tag.
class_name Retrieves the class of the object.
style Sets a style for the object.
controls=[rptSetBar|linkbar|all] Specifies whether to display the components. The user can set any one or more of them, or use all to display all the components.

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Action Tags


The sortform tag generates a form for sorting the data. It contains the following attributes:

Attribute Description
id - string Specifies the ID of the tag. This attribute is required.
method - string Sets or retrieves how to send the form data to the server.
  • get - Appends the arguments to the Form Action URL and opens it as if it were an anchor.
  • post - Sends the data through an HTTP post transaction.
forward - string Specifies the page to redirect. If it starts with /, the root path refers to <install_root>\public_html; if with no /, the root refers to <install_root>\public_html\dhtmljsp.
target - string Sets the window or frame at which to target contents.
applyto - string Specifies the instance name of the component on which the sorting will be based. This attribute is required.


The filterform tag generates a form for filtering the data. It contains the following attributes:

Attribute Description
id - string Specifies the ID of the tag. This attribute is required.
method - string Sets or retrieves how to send the form data to the server.
  • get - Appends the arguments to the Form Action URL and opens it as if it were an anchor.
  • post - Sends the data through an HTTP post transaction.
forward - string Specifies the page to redirect. If it starts with /, the root path refers to <install_root>\public_html; if with no /, the root refers to <install_root>\public_html\dhtmljsp.
target - string Sets the window or frame at which to target contents.
applyto - string Specifies the instance name of the component on which the sorting will be based. This attribute is required.


The column tag generates a list to provide sorting manners for the sortform tag or field values for the filterform tag. It contains the following attributes:

Attribute Description
id - string Specifies the ID of the tag. This attribute is required.
bind_column - string Specifies the column by which to sort or filter. This attribute is required.
logic - string Specifies the relationship between the filter criterion and the next one. Its value can be "AND" or "OR". Only for filterform.
maxsize - integer Specifies the maximum number of the items in the list, only for filterform.
parent_id - string Specifies the ID of the sortform or filterform tag which includes the column tag. This attribute is required.
class_name - string Specifies the class name.
style - string Specifies the style of the list.
width - string Specifies the width of the list.
top - integer Specifies the top position of the list.
left - integer Specifies the left position of the list.

Reference: For examples about the tags, see the file ExampleCodeForTags.html in <install_root>\help\samples\URLSamples, where Server provides some sample code for different tags. To test the examples, save the code to tagtest.jsp and then put it in <install_root>\public_html\dhtmljsp.

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