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Business View Security

Business view security enables report designers to limit user access to the specific members of groups in business views. This topic describes how you can use business view security.

By defining which members of a group are available to which users, groups, or roles, Report creates a report output for each user, role, and group. When a user accesses a report, Report checks the group and role of the user and merges the data in the report that the user is authorized to see and displays it to the user.

Business view security contains two parts:

  • Data security
    It controls whether a user/role/group can access the data of the view elements at runtime. For a group object, you can further allow or deny the access of its specific members to a user/role/group.
  • Resource security
    It controls whether a user/role/group can see the view elements at runtime.

See Setting Up Business View Security in the Report Designer Guide for more about business view security and how to configure it in Report Designer.

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