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Setting Report Object Properties Using the Inspector Panel

You can update the properties of report objects in Web Report Studio and Report Studio using the Inspector panel. This topic describes how you can use all the properties.

The following table describes the properties of report objects in the Inspector panel of Web Report Studio and Report Studio, except chart properties. For properties specific to charts, see Chart Properties.

Keep in mind the following while browsing the properties:

  • Some properties or property values are available to some objects.
  • Some properties only show related information, and you cannot edit them.
  • Some properties are in different categories for different objects.
  • The ways of setting property values described in the Description column of the following properties table are available to Web Report Studio. You may need to use other ways when setting property values in Report Studio. For example, for a Boolean type property, you should select the radio button in the value field to set the value to "true".
  • You can control some properties by a formula or expression. If you select a formula to control a property, Report automatically generates an expression with the prefix @. Also, you must let Report Engine know some properties before a page break, so that it can lay out the object. In a formula or expression, the special field PageNumber is the switch for setting the page break calculation time. If you use PageNumber in the formula or expression, then the calculation time will be after the page break, if you do not use PageNumber, the calculation time will be before the page break. For this reason, Report will set the calculation time for controlling whether to mark the formula or expression as before page break or after page break. For most properties, you can control the property by formula or expression at any time without concern about the page break.
Property Name Description
General Properties
Data Inherit Server shows whether this object inherits the dataset from another object. This property is read only.
Display Name Specify the display name of the object.

Data type: String

Instance Name Server shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.
Reference Server shows the instance name of the field if the label is related to a field. This property is read only.
Geometry Properties
Autofit Specify whether to automatically adjust the width of a vertical banded object or the height of a horizontal banded object according to the contents.

Data type: Boolean

Height Specify the height of the object, in inches. Type a numeric value to change the height.

Data type: Float

Width Specify the width of the object, in inches. Type a numeric value to change the width.

Data type: Float

X Specify the horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the object, relative to its parent container. Type a numeric value to change the position in inches.

Note icon This property is not available when the object is in a crosstab or the Position property value is static.

Data type: Float

Y Specify the vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the object, relative to its parent container. Type a numeric value to change the position in inches.

Note icon This property is not available when the object is in a crosstab or the Position property value is static.

Data type: Float

Bottom Attach Pos X Specify the horizontal coordinate of the bottom (or right when the line is horizontal) end point of the line in a banded panel. A drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the relative position in the involved panel. If you exchange the top and bottom end points, this property works on the bottom end point after the exchange.

Data type: Float

Bottom Attach Pos Y Specify the vertical coordinate of the bottom (or right when the line is horizontal) end point of the line in a banded panel. A drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the relative position in the involved panel. If you exchange the top and bottom end points, this property works on the bottom end point after the exchange.

Data type: Float

Top Attach Pos X Specify the horizontal coordinate of the top (or left when the line is horizontal) end point of the line in a banded panel. A drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the relative position in the involved panel. If you exchange the top and bottom end points, this property works on the top end point after the exchange.

Data type: Float

Top Attach Pos Y Specify the vertical coordinate of the top (or left when the line is horizontal) end point of the line in a banded panel. A drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the relative position in the involved panel. If you exchange the top and bottom end points, this property works on the top end point after the exchange.

Data type: Float

Color Properties
Background Specify the background color of the object. Select a color from the drop-down list or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (when the alpha value is 255, for example, 0xff0000) or RGBA value ( when the alpha value is not 255, for example, 0x64ffff33) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Default Foreground

Specify the default font color for the new text you type in the object. Select a color from the drop-down list or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Fill Type Specify the fill pattern for the object.
  • Color
    Select to fill with a specified color. Then, specify the Background property.
  • More Effects
    Select to specify either a gradient or an image as the fill effect in the Fill Effects dialog box.

Data type: Enumeration

Foreground Specify the foreground color of the object. Select a color from the drop-down list or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Text Format Properties
Autofit/Auto Fit Select true if you want to expand the width and height of the object according to the contents.

Note icon

  • For performance concern, you should not set both Autofit and Word Wrap to true when the object is in a crosstab.

  • For a table column, the Autofit property is in the Others category.

Data type: Boolean

Auto Map Field Name This property is available when the label is related to a field. Select true if you want to automatically map the label text to the dynamic display name of the field. Server will ignore the Text property.

Data type: Boolean

Auto Scale in Number Select true if you want to automatically scale the values that are of the Number data type when the values fall into the two ranges:
  • When 1000 <= value < 10^15, Report uses the following quantity unit symbols of the International System of Units to scale the values: K (10^3), M (10^6), G (10^9), and T (10^12).
  • When 0 < value < 0.001 or value >= 10^15, Report uses scientific notation to scale the values.

The value auto means that the setting follows that of the parent data container.

Data type: Boolean

Bold Select true to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Default Font Face Specify the default font face for the new text you type in the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Default Font Size Specify the default font size for the new text you type in the object. Type an integer value or select a value from the drop-down list to change the size.

Data type: Integer

Font Face Select the font of the text.

Data type: Enumeration

Font Size Specify the font size of the text. Type or select an integer value to change the size.

Data type: Integer

Format Specify the format in which you want to display the text. It varies with data type, and you can manually define it.

Data type: String

Note icon

  • For the BigDecimal data type, to avoid precision loss, you should type a prefix JRD when setting the Format property value.
  • For the Number data type and when the Auto Scale in Number property value is true, the Format property applies to the integer part of the values after being scaled, but if the specified format conflicts with the Auto Scale in Number property, for example, the values display in percentage, then Server ignores the Auto Scale in Number property.
Format Locale Specify the locale for displaying and formatting values of the object when its data type is locale sensitive, such as the date and time formats, and number and currency formats. Default is the locale of your JVM or the language of the NLS report. Choose an option from the drop-down list if you want to change the locale.

Note icon When you use a formula or edit an expression to control the locale, the return value should be the two-letter language and country codes as defined by ISO-639 and ISO-3166 in the format language_country, for example, de_DE.

Data type: String

Horizontal Alignment Select the horizontal justification of the text in the object.

Data type: Enumeration

Ignore HTML Tag Specify whether to ignore the HTML tag elements in the text at runtime and in the HTML output.
  • Select true if you don't want Report Engine to parse the HTML tag elements so they display exactly as what they are.
  • Select false if you want Report Engine to transfer the HTML tag elements to the web browser so the web browser translates them into HTML.

Note icon The Convert HTML Tag property has higher priority than Ignore HTML Tag.

Data type: Boolean

Italic Select true to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean

Maximum Width

Specify the maximum width of the text you want to display in the object. Type a numeric value to change the width.

This property often works together with the Auto Fit property. When you set Auto Fit of the object to "true" and the value of Maximum Width is not equal to 0, the text extends in the object until the width is this value.

Data type: Float

Reduce Width When Autofit Select true if you want to reduce the width of the object according to its content when you specify to automatically adjust its width (the object's Autofit being true) and the actual width of the content is smaller than that of the object.

Note icon This property takes effect when you set Position of the object to absolute; but it does not work if the Word Wrap property of the object is true.

Data type: Boolean

Strikethrough Select true to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean

Text Type the text of the label.

Data type: String

Underline Select true to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment Select the vertical justification of the text in the object.

Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap Select true to wrap the text to the object width.

Note icon For performance concern, you should not set both Autofit and Word Wrap to true when the object is in a crosstab.

Data type: Boolean

Border /Title Border/Body Border Properties
Border Color Specify the color of the border of the object. Select a color from the drop-down list or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Border Thickness Specify the width of the border in inches. Type a numeric value to change the thickness.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line Select the line style of the bottom border of the object.

Data type: Enumeration

Box Shadow Server maps this property to the CSS property box-shadow, as specified by

Data Type: String

Has Border

Specify whether to show cell borders in the crosstab.

Data type: Boolean

Left Line Select the line style of the left border of the object.

Data type: Enumeration

Right Line Select the line style of the right border of the object.

Data type: Enumeration


Specify whether to add a drop shadow effect to the border.

Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color

Specify the color of the border shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Top Line Select the line style of the top border of the object.

Data type: Enumeration

Border Radius Properties
Bottom Left Radius Specify the radius for the bottom left joint of the borders. Type a numeric value to change the radius.

Data type: Float

Bottom Right Radius Specify the radius for the bottom right joint of the borders. Type a numeric value to change the radius.

Data type: Float

Top Left Radius Specify the radius for the top left joint of the borders. Type a numeric value to change the radius.

Data type: Float

Top Right Radius Specify the radius for the top right joint of the borders. Type a numeric value to change the radius.

Data type: Float

Padding Properties
Bottom Padding Specify the space between the text and the bottom border of the object, in inches. Type a numeric value to change the padding.

Data type: Float

Left Padding Specify the space between the text and the left border of the object, in inches. Type a numeric value to change the padding.

Data type: Float

Right Padding Specify the space between the text and the right border of the object, in inches. Type a numeric value to change the padding.

Data type: Float

Top Padding Specify the space between the text and the top border of the object, in inches. Type a numeric value to change the padding.

Data type: Float

Others Properties
Bind Column

Specify the field to bind with the label so you can use the label's shortcut menu to filter and sort records of the bound field at runtime. When you bind a label with a field, you can further set the label's Filterable and Sortable properties to "true" to display the corresponding buttons beside the label for easy filtering and sorting.

Data type: String

Cache Specify whether to cache the dataset for this object in the data buffer so other objects which use the same dataset can share the data rather than perform their own SQL query.

Data type: Boolean

Cache Section Select true to cache the objects in the detail panel.

Data type: Boolean

Note iconThe property does not work if there is crosstab, text object, or chart in the panel, because these objects contain child-DBFields.

Cache Value

Specify whether to cache the value of the field instead of obtaining it repeatedly.

Data type: Boolean

CellPaddingBottom Specify the space between the text and the bottom border of the filter control. Type a numeric value to change the padding.

Data type: Float

CellPaddingTop Specify the space between the text and the top border of the filter control. Type a numeric value to change the padding.

Data type: Float

Column Name

Server enables this property when you have cleared "Forbid changing column" in the Panel category of the Options dialog box in Designer. You can use it to specify another field to substitute the current one. Choose the field from the drop-down list.

Data type: String

Cross Page Select true if you want to split the panel across a page break when the panel exceeds the page height.

Default is false. Server will display the panel in the next page, when the panel spans vertically beyond the page.

Note icon This property applies only when you enable the page layout of the report, and if you run or export the report in the formats that support page layout, such as PDF and RTF.

Data type: Boolean

Current Block Index The two properties, Current Block Index and Items per Block, work together to control the data of the object to display in the continuous page mode.

Use Current Block Index to specify the index of the data block you want to display. 0 means the first block index, 1 the second, and so on.

Data type: Integer

Current Column Block Index

You can use the four properties together to control the data of the crosstab you want to display in the continuous page mode: Current Column Block Index, Current Row Block Index, Items per Column Block, and Items per Row Block. Current Column Block Index specifies the horizontal index of the data block. 0 means the first block index, 1 means the second, and so on.

Data type: Integer

Current Row Block Index You can use the four properties together to control the data of the crosstab you want to display in the continuous page mode: Current Row Block Index, Current Column Block Index, Items per Row Block, and Items per Column Block. Current Row Block Index specifies the vertical index of the data block. 0 means the first block index, 1 means the second, and so on. Data type: Integer
Data Mapping File

Specify the data mapping file (without the locale part) you want to apply to the object for for NLS use. For example, if the data mapping file is, type Product in the value cell.

Data type: String

Default for Filter

Specify whether to display the object as the default data component in the Apply To drop-down list of the Filter dialog box at runtime.

Data type: Boolean

Note iconIn the same report, you can only set one data component's Default for Filter property to "true".

Detail Target Frame Server enables this property after you set Go to Detail of the object to "true". You can use it to specify the target window or frame to display the detail information. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • <Server Setting>
    Select to load the detail information according to the Pop Up New Window for Links property in the Page Report Studio Profile dialog box on the Server Console.
  • Same Frame
    Select to load the detail information into the same frame as the object.
  • Whole Window
    Select to load the detail information into the full browser window.
  • New Window
    Select to load the detail information into a new window. The window is not named.
  • Parent Frame
    Select to load the detail information into the parent frame of the frame in which the object is.

Data type: String

Display Null Specify the text you want to display if the field value is null.

Data type: String

Enable Hyperlink in Excel

Specify whether to enable the link that you have added on the object in the Excel output.

Data type: Boolean

Note iconServer does not provide this property when the DBField is in a crosstab in a web report.

Enable Hyperlink in HTML

Specify whether to enable the link that you have added on the object in the HTML output.

Data type: Boolean

Note iconServer does not provide this property when the DBField is in a crosstab in a web report.

Enable Hyperlink in PDF

Specify whether to enable the link that you have added on the object in the PDF output.

Data type: Boolean

Note iconServer does not provide this property when the DBField is in a crosstab in a web report.

Enable Navigation Specify whether to enable page navigation for a table, or enable scroll bars for a crosstab or banded object, when the parent container cannot fully display its data.

By default, the property value is true. You can further specify the height and width of the frame for holding the object, by setting the two properties Navigation Height and Navigation Width. If later you resize the object, Server will reset the two properties to use the resized values. If the table contains more than one page, a page navigation bar specific to the table will be available under it. You can use the bar to view the pages you want.

Data type: Boolean

Expand Data

Specify whether to enable users to expand/collapse the column/row groups in the crosstab.

Data type: Boolean

Expand Detail Data Specify whether to expand the groups to show the details when you open the report in Web Report Studio. This property only works in the continuous page mode.

Data type: Boolean

Export as Text Enable this property if you want to export the parameter control as text. Otherwise, Report will export the parameter control as an image.

When you enable this property, depending on the properties of the parameter in the parameter control, Report will export the parameter control as follows:

  • Report will export the selected values or text of the parameter as text while it will not export the icon or button for specifying the parameter value.
  • If the parameter in the parameter control is of Boolean type, Report displays it as a checkbox in the parameter control. Then when you select the checkbox, Report will export it as Checkmark, or as Checkbox if you clear the checkbox.

Data Type: Boolean

Export to CSV Specify whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.

Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel Specify whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.

Data type: Boolean

Export to HTML Specify whether to include the object when exporting the report to HTML.

Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF Specify whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF.

Data type: Boolean

Export to PostScript Specify whether to include the object when exporting the report to PostScript.

Data type: Boolean

Export to Report Result Specify whether to include the object when you open the report in Web Report Studio or in the Web Report Result.

Data type: Boolean

Export to RTF Specify whether to include the object when exporting the report to RTF.

Data type: Boolean

Export to Text Specify whether to include the object when exporting the report to Text.

Data type: Boolean

Export to XML Specify whether to include the object when exporting the report to XML.

Data type: Boolean

Field Type Select another special field you want to substitute the current special field.

Data type: Enumeration

Fill Whole Page Select true to extend the row/panel to the bottom of the page, so that the next row/panel starts on a new page.

Data type: Boolean

Filter Options

Specify the filter commands that you want to display on the object's shortcut menu in Page Report Studio.

Data type: Integer

Filterable Specify whether to display a filter button beside the label at runtime, so you can select the button to filter the records based on values of the field that you specify via the Bind Column property.

Data type: Boolean

Go to Detail

Specify whether to show the detail information about the group when you select the object in Page Report Studio.

Data type: Boolean

Horizontal Alignment Select the horizontal justification of the contents in the object, or of the image in the container.

Data type: Enumeration


Select true to hide the object. Server will still perform all formulas and calculations. You can also use a formula to control this property.

Data type: Boolean

Note icon When you set both the Invisible and Suppress properties of an object to true, Suppress has the higher priority.

Invisible for Filter Dialogs

Specify whether to display the object in the Apply To drop-down list of the Filter dialog box at runtime. Server disables this property when you set Default for Filter of the object to "true".

Data type: Boolean

Items per Block The two properties, Current Block Index and Items per Block, work together to control the data of the object to display in the continuous page mode.

Use Item per Block to specify the number of records in each data block.

Data type: Integer

Items per Column Block

You can use the four properties together to control the data of the crosstab you want to display in the continuous page mode: Current Row Block Index, Current Column Block Index, Items per Row Block, and Items per Column Block. Items per Column Block specifies the number of the column records in each data block.

Data type: Integer

Items per Row Block

You can use the four properties together to control the data of the crosstab you want to display in the continuous page mode: Current Row Block Index, Current Column Block Index, Items per Row Block, and Items per Column Block. Items per Row Block specifies the number of the row records in each data block.

Data type: Integer

Label Specify the text you want Server to pop up when you hover over the left edge of the panel.

Data type: String


Specify the target that you want to link the object to, which can be another report, a website, an email address, or a Blob data type field.

Data type: String

Merge to Next Panel Select true to merge the panel into the next panel in the Excel output.

Data type: Boolean

Minimum Leaf Distance Specify the minimum distance between two adjacent leaf nodes on the same level. For top-down and bottom-up layouts, it means horizontal distance. For left-right layout, it means vertical distance. Type a numeric value to specify the distance.

Data type: Float

Minimum Level Distance Specify the minimum distance between two adjacent levels. For top-down and bottom-up layouts, it means vertical distance. For left-right layout, it means horizontal distance. When running the report in the Web Report format, if the value of Minimum Level Distance is less than that of Line Thickness on org chart line, the latter will replace the former.

Data type: Float

Navigation Height Specify the height of the frame for holding the object. Type a numeric value to specify the height. If you don't provide a value here, Report will calculate the frame height.

Note icon This property takes effect when Enable Navigation is true.

Data type: Float

Navigation Width Specify the width of the frame for holding the object. Type a numeric value to specify the width. If you don't provide a value here, Report will calculate the frame width.

Note icon This property takes effect when Enable Navigation is true.

Data type: Float

On New Page Select true to display the row/panel on a new page. Default is false, and the row/panel starts on a new page only if the previous page is filled.

Note icon This property applies only when you enable the page layout of the report, and if you run or export the report in the formats that support page layout, such as PDF and RTF.

Data type: Boolean

Order By

Server displays this property when you use the DBField as a column/row field in a crosstab. You can use it to specify the field by which you want to sort the crosstab column/row header.

Data type: String

Overflow This property is mapped to the CSS property overflow, as specified by Report's default behavior is doing nothing for the overflow content. You can select how you want the web browser to handle overflow in the text.

Data type: Enumeration

Page Background Specify the background color of the report page. Select a color from the drop-down list or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Position Specify the position of the object.
  • static
    Select if you want to place the object at the location where you insert it. Server will hide or disable the X, Y, and other position-related properties. The preceding objects in the same container will affect the position of the object.
  • relative
    Select if you want to place the object at an offset to the position where you insert it. Server determines the offset by the X and Y coordinate property values. Not all components support the relative position.
  • absolute
    Select if you want to place the object at the position that you specify by dragging or by setting its X and Y coordinate property values.

Data type: Enumeration

Note iconThis property only affects objects in a container, which is the report body, a table cell, or a tabular cell.

Record Location Specify the calculation point for the properties of the object which you control by formulas.
  • Default
    Select if you want to calculate the values of the properties in the default location where they are.
  • Page Header
    Select if you want to calculate the values of the properties in the page header.
  • Page Footer
    Select if you want to calculate the values of the properties in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration

Remove Blank Row Select true to remove blank rows in the panel in the Excel output.

Data type: Boolean

Remove Extra Quotes from First Line Select true to remove the quotation marks and commas from the first line of the report's Text and CSV outputs.

Data type: Boolean

Repeat Specify whether to display the group header on every page.

For one detail panel which spans a large space vertically to display in several pages, Report supports the Repeat property if you want to see the group header information in each page. When the Repeat property is true and group header is visible, Server duplicates the group header on every page.

Note icon

  • When a page split occurs in the bottom blank part of the detail panel (or margins in the detail panel) and the Cross Page property in the detail panel is true, the output is: repeated group header + a slice of blank detail panel + group footer. It appears as though only group footers without any detail panel follow the repeated group header. In order to solve this problem, you can resize the detail panel.
  • If you set the Repeat property to true in both outer group header and inner group header, Report treats the two group headers as a completely repeated object.
  • If you set the outer and inner group headers to be one completely repeated object, then when the page can only hold the group headers or has no enough space for the group headers, Server does not duplicate both outer and inner group headers.

Data type: Boolean

Repeat in Detail Panel Select true to make the objects in the panel repeated in the detail panel in the Excel output.

Data type: Boolean

Repeat on Pages Specify whether to display the table header on every page of the report.

Data type: Boolean

Shrink Footer Specify whether to hide the group footer panel when collapsing a group. This property only works in the continuous page mode.

Data type: Boolean

Sortable Specify whether to display a sort button beside the label at runtime, so you can select the button to sort records of the field you specify via the Bind Column property in ascending or descending order.

Data type: Boolean

Split Overflow Columns Select true to display a big table with many columns on multiple pages if one page cannot hold all the columns, instead of cutting the overflow columns off - the default behavior.

When the property is true, the table object containing overflow columns on subsequent pages inherits the same Y value in its container, so that it keeps the same number of records as the table in the original page. However, Server resets its X value to 0 for both static and absolute positions, to show as many columns as possible. The height of each table row for overflow columns is the same as the corresponding row height in the original page.

Data type: Boolean

Suppress Select true if you want to hide the object in the report. Server will skip all formulas and calculations. If you see the formula button Formula button in the value box, you can also use a formula to control this property.

Data type: Boolean

Note icon When you set both the Invisible and Suppress properties of an object to true, Suppress has the higher priority.

Suppress Aggregate This property is available to labels (excluding summary labels) in a crosstab. Select true to hide the Total row or column.

Data type: Boolean

Suppress Blank Panel Select true to hide the panel if it contains no data.

Data type: Boolean

Suppress Object Space If Not Exported Select true to suppress the space for holding the objects in the report output if you don't include them for exporting.

Data type: Boolean

Suppress When Empty Select true to hide the object in the report when it contains no contents.

Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No Records Select true to hide the object in the report when no records return to its parent data component.

Data type: Boolean

Suppress When Null

Specify whether to suppress the field in the report when its value is null.

Data type: Boolean

Tile Detail Panel Select true to tile records in the detail panel.

For a vertical banded object, you can tile each set of records in the detail panel when viewing the report if you set this property to true and set the detail panel's width/height equal to or less than 1/2 that of the banded object. The detail panel width determines the width of each record tile.

You will find this property is useful when you are making a mail-label format report. You can insert a blank banded object in a report, then in the Inspector panel, select the detail panel, and set the properties:

Tile Detail Panel = true
Width = *** (The width of the detail panel. You can set this value according to the width of one column.)

Data type: Boolean

Note icon When the banded object's Autofit property is true, Server always treats the Tile Detail Panel property as false at runtime.

Tile Horizontal If you set the Tile Detail Panel property of the detail panel to true, you can further specify the direction for tiling records in the detail panel.
  • true
    Select if you want to tile records first in the row direction and then in the column.
  • false
    Select if you want to tile records first in the column direction and then in the row.

Data type: Boolean

To Bottom Select true to move the banded object footer panel to the bottom of the page. Default is false, which means that the banded object footer displays at the end of the banded object.

Data type: Boolean

Transfer Style

Specify whether to apply the style group of the primary report to the linked report, when the object is linked to another report.

Data type: Boolean

Underlay Select true if you want to layer the panel beneath the next panel in the banded object. You can use a panel layered beneath a subsequent panel to contain a background picture or watermark.

Data type: Boolean

Note icon You cannot layer banded page header, page footer, or group footer panels beneath another panel.

Value Delimiter

Specify the separator for DBArray data. Type the delimiter in the value cell.

Data type: String

Vertical Alignment Select the vertical justification of the contents in the object, or of the image in the container.

Data type: Enumeration

White Space Server maps this property to the CSS property white-space, as specified by Report's default behavior is doing nothing for the white spaces. You can select how you want the web browser to handle white spaces in the text area.
Alternating Line Color Properties
Direction Specify whether the color defined by the Pattern List property will apply to the fields in the same rows or columns in the crosstab. This property takes effect when the Show property is true.
  • Vertical
    Select if you want the Pattern List property value to take effect on the fields in the same columns, except for the total columns.
  • Horizontal
    Select if you want the Pattern List property value to take effect on the fields in the same rows, except for the total rows.

Data type: Enumeration

Include Header and Footer When the property is false, alternating color only applies to the table detail rows.

Select true if you want to also apply alternating color to the footer, group headers, and group footers of the table. All table rows except the table header will use alternating color. It takes effect when the Show property is true.

Data type: Boolean

Pattern List Specify the color patterns of the alternating color for the table rows. Select the ellipsis button Chooser button in the value cell to specify the patterns in the Color List dialog box.

This property takes effect when the Show property is true.

Data type: String

Show Specify whether to enable setting alternating line color for the crosstab, or for the table rows.

Data type: Boolean

Note icon

  • The setting of the alternating line color function for crosstab can only take effect when all the aggregate fields in the crosstab have transparent background.

  • Alternating color works as the background color and will overwrite the table rows' own background color.

  • To make alternating color work in merged cells in group tables, you also need to set the background color of the merged cells to that of the alternating color.

Crosstab Property
Avoid Orphan Header

Specify whether to display the column headers together with the data. When you enable this property, if the column headers happen to be at the bottom of a page, Server displays them together with the data on the next page.

Data type: Boolean

Block Gap

Specify the space between each part when the crosstab is split into more than one part. Type a numeric value to change the gap.

Data type: Float

Boundary Value

Specify the number of columns in one aggregate cell when the crosstab displays horizontally, or the number of rows in one aggregate cell when the crosstab displays vertically. Type an integer value to change the number.

Data type: Integer

Column Totals on Left Select true to display the Total columns on the left of the aggregates.

Data type: Boolean

Horizontal Gap

Specify the space between the left/right edge of a crosstab cell and the content in it. Type a numeric value to change the gap.

Data type: Float

Outside Aggregate Title

Specify whether to place the aggregate field labels on the leftmost column when the aggregate layout is vertical, or on the topmost row of the crosstab when the aggregate layout is horizontal. Enabling this property would make the labels of the aggregate fields far from their values.

Data type: Boolean

Repeat Aggregate

Specify whether to repeat the crosstab for different aggregate fields.

Data type: Boolean

Repeat Column Header

Specify whether to display the column headers on every page when the crosstab spans more than one page.

Data type: Boolean

Row Totals on Top Select true to display the Total rows on the top of the aggregates.

Data type: Boolean

Suppress Column Header Select true to suppress the column header of the crosstab.

Data type: Boolean

Suppress Row Header Select true to suppress the row header of the crosstab.

Data type: Boolean

Use Table Style

Specify whether to add labels to the Total rows and columns. Enabling this property may make the row and column labels repeated too much.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Gap

Specify the space between the top/bottom edge of a crosstab cell and the content in it. Type a numeric value to change the gap.

Data type: Float

Vertical Layout Specify whether to display the aggregate fields vertically in the crosstab.

Data type: Boolean

CSS Properties
Class Specify the name of the Class Selector to apply to the object, which you define in the CSS file of the style the report applies in the Report Designer Guide.

For example, if you define the CSS file as follows:

@charset "GBK";

TextField {Background: #ff0000}


TextField[Style="LabelX"]{Background: #0000FF}


TextField#W{Background: #FFFF00}


TextField.C{Background: #00FFFF}

To apply the Class Selector in the file to the object, type C in the value cell.

Data type: String


Specify the name of the ID Selector to apply to the object, which you define in the CSS file of the style the report applies. For example, to apply the ID Selector in the preceding sample CSS file to the object, type W in the value cell.

Data type: String

Style Specify the style you want to apply to the object. Type the style which should be an Attribute Selector whose attribute is "style" in the CSS file of the style the report applies. For example, to apply the style in the preceding sample CSS file to the object, type LabelX in the value cell.

Data type: String

Excel Properties
Columned Select true if you want to improve the engine performance when exporting the report to CSV and Excel.

Right after you set the Columned property to true from false each time, Report will recalculate the values of the other Excel properties of the line objects in the report and reset the values to the defaults: Top Attach Column, Top Attach Row, Bottom Attach Column, and Bottom Attach Row. Server calculates the default values based on the position of each line object in the report. There is an exception: if both the Export to Excel and Export to CSV properties of a line object are false, Server will not recalculate the values of these properties and will preserve them as before.

When you set the Columned property to true:

  • Server uses the columned method to export the report to Excel when you select Column Format in the export dialog box.
  • You can specify values for the Excel properties mentioned earlier of line objects instead of using the default, to well-align the line objects in the Excel output.

When the property is false, the specified values for the preceding Excel properties of the line objects in the report do not apply when you export the report to CSV or Excel.

Data type: Boolean

Column Index Specify the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container in the Excel and CSV outputs of the report, measured in cells. This property takes effect only when the Columned property of the web report is "true" and Position of the object is not "static".

Data type: Integer

Row Index Specify the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container in the Excel and CSV outputs of the report, measured in cells. This property takes effect only when the Columned property of the web report is "true" and Position of the object is not "static".

Data type: Integer

Bottom Attach Column Specify the X coordinate of the lower right corner of the object in the Excel output file, measured in cells.

Data type: Float

Bottom Attach Row Specify the Y coordinate of the lower right corner of the object in the Excel output file, measured in cells.

Data type: Float

Top Attach Column Specify the X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the object in the Excel output file, measured in cells.

Data type: Float

Top Attach Row Specify the Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the object in the Excel output file, measured in cells.

Data type: Float

Group Layout Properties
Keep Group Together Select true to keep the whole group together.

Data type: Boolean

Repeat While Group Footer Select true if you want to repeat the group header when a page break occurs on the group footer, after you set the group header to be repeated.

Data type: Boolean

Image Property
Alternate Text Specify the text that will display instead if Server cannot display the image.

Data type: String

Disabled Select true to disable the actions on the image.

Data type: Boolean

Image Name Specify the file name of the image. The image can be one on your local file system or retrieved using a URL.

Data type: String

Maximum Scaling Ratio Specify the maximum ratio up to which you can scale the image. By default, the scaling ratio of the image is not limited. If you set the ratio to any value greater than 0, the actual scaling ratio is less than or equal to it.

Data type: Float

Name Specify the name of the image.

Data type: String

Rotation Specify the angle at which you want to rotate the image, in degrees. The following is the meaning of different values:
  • 0 means no rotation.
  • A positive value means to rotate the image clockwise.
  • A negative value means to rotate the image anticlockwise.

Data type: Float

Scaling Mode
  • actual size
    Select to show the image in its actual size. If the display area is smaller than the image, Server hides part of the image.
  • fit image
    Select if you want the image to fill the display area and keep the original perspective ratio under the limitation of Max Ratio.
  • fit width
    Select if you want the image to fit the display area width under the limitation of Max Ratio.
  • fit height
    Select if you want the image to fit the display area height, under the limitation of Max Ratio.
  • customize
    Select if you want to specify the width and height of the image in the size fields.

Note icon When you select fit height, fit image, or fit width, the image scales under the limitation of Maximum Scaling Ratio.

Data type: Enumeration

Title Specify the tip information about the image, which will display when you hover over the image in the Web Report result.

Data type: String

Line Property
Enable Bottom Arrow Specify whether to use an arrow as the bottom (or right when the line is horizontal) end of the line. If you exchange the top and bottom ends, this property works on the bottom end after the exchange.

Data type: Boolean

Enable Top Arrow Specify whether to use an arrow as the top (or left when the line is horizontal) end of the line. If you exchange the top and bottom ends, this property works on the top end after the exchange.

Data type: Boolean

Line Color Specify the color of the line. Select a color from the drop-down list or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Line Style Select the style of the line.

Data type: Enumeration

Line Thickness Specify the thickness of the line. Type a numeric value to change the thickness.

Data type: Float

Object Settings Properties
Archive Specify the character string that you can use to implement your own archive functionality for the object.

Data type: String

Class ID Specify the class identifier of the object.

Data type: String

Code Base Specify the base path you use to resolve relative URI specified by the Class ID and Archive properties. When null, its default value is the base URI of the current report.

Data type: String

Value Type Specify the MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) type of the object.

Data type: String

Paper Properties
Height Specify the height of the page in inches or centimeters. The Width and Height values change when Orientation changes. The Page Type setting determines the Width and Height values, but you can change the latter as you want. Type a numeric value to change the height.

Data type: Float

Height Autofit Specify whether to dynamically calculate the page height according to the height of the contents within the page.

Data type: Boolean

Orientation Specify how to position the report page. The Orientation setting affects the Width and Height values.
  • Portrait
    Select to position the page vertically.
  • Landscape
    Select to position the page horizontally.

Data type: Enumeration

Page Type Specify the report page dimensions. Choose a size from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Width Specify the width of the page in inches or centimeters. The Width and Height values change when Orientation changes. The Page Type setting determines the Width and Height values, but you can change the latter as you want. Type a numeric value to change the width.

Data type: Float

Width Autofit Specify whether to dynamically calculate the page width according to the width of the contents within the page.

Data type: Boolean

Pattern Properties
Pattern Color

Specify the color in which you want to draw a pattern to fill the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specify the style of the pattern. Choose an item from the drop-down list.

  • none
    Select if you do not want to apply a pattern to the object.
  • 50%
    Select to fill the object using 50%-transparency of the specified pattern color.
  • horizontal
    Select to fill the object with horizontal lines using the specified pattern color.
  • vertical
    Select to fill the object with vertical lines using the specified pattern color.
  • grid
    Select to fill the object with grids using the specified pattern color.
  • diagonal
    Select to fill the object with diagonal lines using the specified pattern color.

Data type: String

Margin Properties
Bottom Margin Specify the distance in inches or centimeters between the bottom page edge and the data area (the report for Banded Page Panel in a banded object). Type a numeric value to change the margin.

Data type: Float

Left Margin Specify the distance in inches or centimeters between the left page edge and the data area (the report for Banded Page Panel in a banded object). Type a numeric value to change the margin.

Data type: Float

Right Margin Specify the distance in inches or centimeters between the right page edge and the data area (the report for Banded Page Panel in a banded object). Type a numeric value to change the margin.

Data type: Float

Top Margin Specify the distance in inches or centimeters between the upper page edge and the data area (the report for Banded Page Panel in a banded object). Type a numeric value to change the margin.

Data type: Float

Title Properties

Specify the background color of the title bar. Select a color from the drop-down list or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Bold Select true to make the text bold in the title bar.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face Select the font of the text in the title bar.

Data type: Enumeration

Font Size Specify the font size of the text in the title bar. Type or select an integer value to change the size.

Data type: Integer

Foreground Specify the foreground color of the title bar. Select a color from the drop-down list or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Horizontal Alignment Select the horizontal justification of the text in the title bar.

Data type: Enumeration

Italic Select true to make the text italic in the title bar.

Data type: Boolean

Map Name Specify whether you want to display the name of the field you added to the filter control as the title in the title bar.

Data type: Boolean

Show Title Specify whether to show the title bar. It is meaningful to set all the other properties in the Title category when this property value is true.

Data type: Boolean

Title Height Specify the height of the title, to ensure larger font sizes display without being cut off. Type a numeric value to change the height.

Data type: Float

Text Type the text you want to display in the title bar. For a filter control, you can edit this property only when you set Map Name to "false".

When you add only one DBField to the text list filter control and insert the On-screen Filter special field in a data container that uses the same data resource as the DBField, Report also applies the text in the filter expression of the special field.

Data type: String

Underline Select true to underline the text in the title bar.

Data type: Boolean

Body Properties

Specify the background color for the body of the object. Select a color from the drop-down list or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

TOC Properties
Anchor Display Value

Specify the text you want to display as the object's TOC entry label, when you set the object's TOC Anchor property to "true".

Data type: String

TOC Anchor

Specify whether to include the object in the TOC of the report.

Data type: Boolean

Accessibility Properties

This property is mapped to the HTML attribute abbr, as specified by

Data type: String

Note iconServer displays this property only when the DBField is in a crosstab.


This property is mapped to the HTML attribute axis, as specified by

Data type: String

Note iconServer displays this property only when the DBField is in a crosstab.

External AccessKey

This property is mapped to the HTML attribute accesskey, as specified by

Data type: String

External CSS Class Selector

Specify the name of the Class Selector for the object in the HTML output.

Data type: String

External Dir

This property is mapped to the HTML attribute dir, as specified by

Data type: String

External ID

This property is mapped to the HTML attribute id, as specified by

Data type: String

External Style

This property is mapped to the HTML attribute style, as specified by

Data type: String

External TabIndex

This property is mapped to the HTML attribute tabindex, as specified by

Data type: Integer

External Title

This property is mapped to the HTML attribute title, as specified by

Data type: String


This property is mapped to the HTML attribute headers, as specified by

Data type: String

Note iconServer displays this property only when the DBField is in a crosstab.


This property is mapped to the HTML attribute hreflang, as specified by You can use it to specify the base language of the resource designated by a link on the object, such as the target you define via the Link property.

Data type: String


This property is mapped to the HTML attribute lang, as specified by

Data type: String


This property is mapped to the HTML attribute longdesc, as specified by

Data type: String


This property is mapped to the HTML attribute scope, as specified by Choose an option from the drop-down list to specify the set of data cells for which the current header cell provides header information in the accessible HTML output.

  • None
    Select it if you do not want to generate this attribute in the output.
  • Column
    Select it if you want the current header cell to provide header information for the rest of the column that contains it.
  • Row
    Select it if you want the current header cell to provide header information for the rest of the row that contains it.

Data type: Enumeration

Note iconServer displays this property only when the DBField is in a crosstab.


This property is mapped to the HTML attribute summary, as specified by

Data type: String

Tag Name

Specify the header tag name of the object for labeling its heading order in the accessible PDF output. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

When setting this property, you should nest the headers properly based on the following rules so that Adobe can accept the heading tag sequence.

  • H1 should always be the first heading tag.
  • The descending sequence of the headers should follow the downward order of the objects in the Inspector.
  • The descending sequence of the headers should proceed in strict numerical order and should not skip an intervening heading level. H1 H2 H3 is permissible, while H1 H3 is not.

Data type: Enumeration

Note iconServer does not provide this property when the DBField is in a chart or map.

Merge to Next Panel, Repeat in Detail Panel, and Remove Blank Row

You can control panels of a banded object in the Excel output by setting the three properties:

  • Merge to Next Panel controls whether to merge current panel to the next panel. It applies to the banded header, banded page header, group header, and group footer panels.
  • Repeat in Detail Panel controls whether to repeat certain panel with the detail panel. It applies to the group header and banded page header panels.
  • Remove Blank Row controls whether to remove blank rows in the panel. It applies to the banded page header, group header, and detail panels.

The three properties take effect only when you set the Columned property of the web report to true. Server follows the operation order when the three properties work together: Merge to Next Panel > Repeat in Detail Panel > Remove Blank Row.

Note icon

  • Do not set Merge to Next Panel to true for the last group footer panel, because it will make the Excel output incorrect.
  • Do not set Merge to Next Panel to true for the panel that contains crosstabs or subreports.
  • When you specify to repeat a group header panel, if there is a chart in the panel, Server does not repeat the chart.
  • If a banded object contains more than one group-by fields, that is to say, it has several group header panels, when you specify to repeat the first group header panel in the detail panel, Server will repeat it in the second group header panel as well.

Bottom Attach Column, Bottom Attach Row, Top Attach Column, Top Attach Row

The four properties work together to control the position of a line in the Excel output file. They take effect when you set the Columned property of the web report to true.

The first pair of the properties (Top Attach Column, Top Attach Row) locates a cell and uses its upper left corner as the upper-left corner of the line, while the second pair (Bottom Attach Column, Bottom Attach Row) locates another cell and uses its upper left corner as the lower right corner of the line.

For example, if you set the properties for an oval as:

Top Attach Column: 1, Top Attach Row: 2, Bottom Attach Column: 3, Bottom Attach Row: 4

Then, the upper left cell will be A2 and the lower right cell will be C4.

Note icon The value you set for the Top Attach Column (Top Attach Row) property should be always larger than that for the Bottom Attach Column (Bottom Attach Row) property.

Note icon

  • If a table contains a merged cell that is across columns and there are absolutely positioned objects in the cell, when you exclude a column which is not the last column for this merged cell from the report output, Report Engine recalculates the X coordinates of these objects that are in the excluded column and tries to display them in the output if space allows; however, this may result in that some objects get overlapped in their new position in the output.
  • Because one cell in Excel can only contain one value, if you exclude a table column from the Excel output, Report Engine is not able to display the value of a data field which is originally in the excluded column in the Excel output if the new position of the field is in a cell that already contains a value, even when the field satisfies the conditions as described earlier.

Expand Data, Expand Detail Data

For crosstabs in a page report, if they contain more than one column/row group level, you can specify whether to enable expanding and collapsing the column/row groups at runtime, and set the default expanding/collapsing state of groups in the outer level. You can control this behavior by two properties: Expand Data and Expand Detail Data.

  • Expand Data
    A property on crosstab, and DBFields and formulas in crosstab as column/row fields. This property on crosstab controls whether to enable users to expand and collapse the column/row groups in the crosstab. When you enable the property on a crosstab, you can use the property on DBFields and formulas in the crosstab to specify whether to expand and collapse the corresponding column/row groups respectively.
  • Expand Detail Data
    A property on DBFields and formulas in crosstab as column/row fields. You can use it to specify whether to expand details of specific column/row groups in a crosstab by default.

Note iconThese two properties work only in the continuous page mode and do not apply to the innermost column/row group. After setting the two properties, if you further modify the crosstab layout, they may not take effect.

Suppose you have a crosstab which shows Product Type Name and Category as the column groups, Region, Country, and State as the row groups, and displays summaries for Quantity.

  1. In the Inspector, set the Expand Data property of the crosstab to true.
  2. Select the DBField Country and set its Expand Data property to false.
  3. Set the Expand Detail Data property of Product Type Name to false.
  4. Open the crosstab in the continuous page mode in Page Report Studio.
  5. Select the icons with a plus or minus sign to expand and collapse the details of the Region and Product Type Name groups. Since Expand Data of Country is "false", you cannot expand the details of this group; Expand Detail Data of Product Type Name is "false" so the details of this group are not expanded by default.

    Expand Data and Expand Detail Data in Crosstab

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