Using an IAM Profile

You can configure the connector to authenticate the connection using credentials that are associated with an IAM profile in a credentials file.

By default, the connector uses the credentials associated with a profile named default in the credentials file found in the ~/.aws/credentials directory. To use a different profile, specify the profile name in your connection settings. To use a different credentials file, set the AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE system environment variable to the full path of your credentials file.

For information about the format of a credentials file, see the "AWS Credentials File Format" section from the "Working with AWS Credentials" page in the AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide:

To configure authentication using an IAM profile:

  1. Set the AuthenticationType property to IAM Profile.
  2. Set the AWSProfile property to the name of the profile to use.
  3. Optionally, set the PreferredRole property to the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role you want to assume when authenticating through an external credential service.