Using an External Account

You can configure the connector to authenticate the connection with an external account (workload or workforce identity federation).

You must provide a configuration file for the external account. The configuration file can be downloaded from the Google API Console.

To configure External account authentication:

  1. Set the OAuthType property to 4.
  2. Set the ProjectID property to the desired project.
  3. Set the OAuthPvtKey or OAuthPvtKeyPath property to the full path of the external account configuration file, or the OAuthPvtKey property to a raw JSON object containing the configuration file contents. Alternatively you can use BYOID_ properties instead of configuration file.
    The following is the format of a workforce configuration file:
  4. {
    "type": "external_account",
    "audience": "//[LOCATION]/workforcePools/[WORKFORCE_POOL_ID]/providers/[PROVIDER_ID]",
    "subject_token_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:tokentype:id_token",
    "token_url": "",
    "workforce_pool_user_project": "[WORKFORCE_POOL_USER_PROJECT]",
    "credential_source": {"file"/"url": "[PATH_TO_OIDC_CREDENTIALS]"

For example, the following connection URL authenticates the connection using an external account:




MyBigQueryProject;BYOID_AudienceUri=//;BYOID_PoolUserProject=workforceProjectNumber;BYOID_CredentialSource={"file": "C:\\Token.txt"};


For more information about using external accounts, see "Workforce Identity Federation" and "Workload Identity Federation" in the Google Cloud documentation:


For more information about generating configuration files, see "Generate a Configuration File" in the Google Cloud documentation: