Configuring Server-Side Properties

You can use the connector to apply configuration properties to the Spark server.

You can set the connection properties described below in a connection string, in a DSN (in the odbc.ini file), or as a connector-wide setting (in the simba.sparkodbc.ini file). Settings in the connection string take precedence over settings in the DSN, and settings in the DSN take precedence over connector-wide settings.

To configure server-side properties:

  1. To set a server-side property, use the syntax SSP_[SSPKey]=[SSPValue], where [SSPKey] is the name of the server-side property and [SSPValue] is the value to specify for that property.
  2. Note:

    • When setting a server-side property in a connection string, it is recommended that you enclose the value in braces ({ }) to make sure that special characters can be properly escaped.
    • For a list of all Hadoop and Spark server-side properties that your implementation supports, type set -v at the Spark CLI command line. You can also execute the set -v query after connecting using the connector.
  3. To change the method that the connector uses to apply server-side properties, do one of the following:
    • To configure the connector to apply each server-side property by executing a query when opening a session to the Spark server, set the ApplySSPWithQueries property to 1.
    • Or, to configure the connector to use a more efficient method for applying server-side properties that does not involve additional network round-tripping, set the ApplySSPWithQueries property to 0.


    The more efficient method is not available for Shark Server, and it might not be compatible with some Spark Thrift Server builds. If the server-side properties do not take effect when the ApplySSPWithQueries property is set to 0, then set it to 1.

  4. To disable the connector's default behavior of converting server-side property key names to all lower-case characters, set the LCaseSspKeyName property to 0.
  • SSP_
  • Apply Properties wSSPWith Queries on page 1
  • Driver Configuration Options on page 1
  • Configuring the Driver on page 1