Configuring Advanced Options

You can configure advanced options to modify the behavior of the connector.

The following instructions describe how to configure advanced options in a DSN and in the connector configuration tool. You can specify the connection settings described below in a DSN, in a connection string, or as connector-wide settings. Settings in the connection string take precedence over settings in the DSN, and settings in the DSN take precedence over connector-wide settings.

To configure advanced options:

  1. Choose one:
    • To access advanced options for a DSN, open the ODBC Data Source Administrator where you created the DSN, then select the DSN, then click Configure, and then click Advanced Options.
    • Or, to access advanced options for a DSN-less connection, open the Simba Spark ODBC Driver Configuration tool, and then click Advanced Options.
  2. To disable the SQL Connector feature, select the Use Native Query check box.
  3. Important:


    • When this option is enabled, the connector cannot execute parameterized queries.
    • By default, the connector applies transformations to the queries emitted by an application to convert the queries into an equivalent form in HiveQL. If the application is Spark-aware and already emits HiveQL, then turning off the translation avoids the additional overhead of query transformation.
  4. To defer query execution to SQLExecute, select the Fast SQLPrepare check box.
  5. To allow connector-wide configurations to take precedence over connection and DSN settings, select the Driver Config Take Precedence check box.
  6. To use the asynchronous version of the API call against Spark for executing a query, select the Use Async Exec check box.
  7. To retrieve table names from the database by using the SHOW TABLES query, select the Get Tables With Query check box.
  8. Note:

    This option is applicable only when connecting to Spark Thrift Server.

  9. To enable the connector to return SQL_WVARCHAR instead of SQL_VARCHAR for STRING and VARCHAR columns, and SQL_WCHAR instead of SQL_CHAR for CHAR columns, select the Unicode SQL Character Types check box.
  10. To enable the connector to return the spark_system table for catalog function calls such as SQLTables and SQLColumns, select the Show System Table check box.
  11. To specify which mechanism the connector uses by default to handle Kerberos authentication, do one of the following:
    • To use the SSPI plugin by default, select the Use Only SSPI check box.
    • To use MIT Kerberos by default and only use the SSPI plugin if the GSSAPI library is not available, clear the Use Only SSPI check box.
  12. To enable the connector to automatically open a new session when the existing session is no longer valid, select the Invalid Session Auto Recover check box.
  13. Note:

    This option is applicable only when connecting to Spark Thrift Server.

  14. To have the connector automatically attempt to reconnect to the server if communications are lost, select AutoReconnect.
  15. To enable the connector to perform a query translation for the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT (CTAS syntax), select Enable Transaction For CTAS.
  16. In the Rows Fetched Per Block field, type the number of rows to be fetched per block.
  17. In the Max Bytes Per Fetch Request field, type the maximum number of bytes to be fetched.
  18. Note:

    • This option is applicable only when connecting to a server that supports result set data serialized in arrow format.
    • The value must be specified in one of the following: 
      • B (bytes)
      • KB (kilobytes)
      • MB (megabytes)
      • GB (gigabytes)

      By default, the file size is in B (bytes).

  19. In the Default String Column Length field, type the maximum data length for STRING columns.
  20. In the Binary Column Length field, type the maximum data length for BINARY columns.
  21. In the Decimal Column Scale field, type the maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal point for numeric data types.
  22. In the Async Exec Poll Interval field, type the time in milliseconds between each poll for the query execution status.
  23. Note:

    This option is applicable only to HDInsight clusters.

  24. In the Socket Timeout field, type the number of seconds that an operation can remain idle before it is closed.
  25. Note:

    This option is applicable only when asynchronous query execution is being used against Spark Thrift Server instances.

  26. To save your settings and close the Advanced Options dialog box, click OK.