Vizlib Teamwork - Older Releases

New Features

The following features were added in older releases of Vizlib Teamwork:

Date Software version Feature ID Description
13/09/2023 3.14.0 - Compatibility update for Vizlib Server 4.13.0.
13/12/2022 3.9.0 CLB-3704 Images/data not available in Sheet view - only in sheet/master items.
29/06/2022 3.6.0 CLB-3508 Vizlib Teamwork for Qlik Sense SaaS.
23/03/2022 3.5.0 CLB-2895 Microsoft Teams integration improvements.
8/11/2021 3.3.0 CLB-2143 Teamwork support for Vizlib Container Objects.
30/09/2021 3.2.0 CLB-2844 Teamwork Icon positioning and sizing improvements.
07/09/2021 3.1.0 CLB-6 New Teamwork Mode - Application.
16/06/2021 3.0.1 CLB-2718 Teamwork - Visualization Icon Positioning and Re-sizing.
27/05/2021 3.0.0 CLB-1764 Teamwork v3.0.0.
CLB-2495 Improvements to Subscription Email Templates.
22/04/2021 2.7.0 CLB-2507 Teamwork - Master Icon positioning options. Make your dashboard pixel perfect by using this new feature to customize the Teamwork icon position for each individual master item on your sheet.
18/03/2021 2.6.0 CLB-1985 Support mentions on Qlik Cloud.
18/03/2021 2.6.0 CLB-1070 Share by email - improved list of email suggestions when mentions are enabled.
23/02/2021 2.5.0 CLB-1278 [Enterprise only] Conversation subscriptions.
20/01/2021 2.4.0 CLB-141 [Enterprise only] Notifications.
CLB-1889 [Enterprise only] VMC improvements for handling integrations and streams.
30/11/2020 2.2.0 CLB-1984 Improved integration for the Mentions feature when using email integration.
14/10/2020 2.0.1 CLB-1364 Improvement to slack integration - refresh list.
CLB-1857 Qlik Sense Desktop not supported warning.
26/05/2020 1.6.0 CLB-1396 Introducing Vizlib Teamwork! Big changes are coming to the Vizlib Collaboration product. As a first step, we are renaming the Vizlib Collaboration extension to Vizlib Teamwork.
26/05/2020 1.6.0 CLB-1090 Application reload and comments visibility.
26/05/2020 1.6.0 CLB-1063 Vizlib Server - Security Rules Management. A brand new way of controlling security access around Collaboration has landed! Learn more here.
26/05/2020 1.6.0 CLB-1268

Inline images for comments. Have you missed the option of linking and storing how a visualization looked when posting a comment? Those days are gone with inline images!

30/04/2020 1.5.1 CLB-1177 Support Qlik Sense Cloud user profiles in comments. Starting from this version user profile information is properly displayed while using Collaboration in Qlik Sense Cloud.
17/04/2020 1.5.0 CLB-1044 Collaboration Threads.
17/04/2020 1.5.0 CLB-1053 Comment sharing improvements.
18/02/2020 1.3.1 CLB-872 Collaboration Workflows [Enterprise only].
9/1/2020 1.2.0 CL-1021 Categories. Categories allow users to tag commentary with additional metadata - e.g. a priority. Click here to learn more.
11/7/2019 1.0.0 . First Release.

Resolved Issues

The following issues were resolved in older releases of Vizlib Teamwork:

Date Software version Bug ID Description
15/12/2022 3.9.1 CLB-4047 Teamwork - health check module - not able to connect to Vizlib Server.

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13/12/2022 3.9.0 CLB-3793 Teamwork - changing channels while in thread breaks navigation inside the component.
13/12/2022 3.9.0 CLB-3908

Comment date in teamwork is invalid (wrong format).

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9/9/2022 3.8.0 CLB-3764 MS Teams Integration - Inline image to large for MS Teams API.
CLB-3628 Teamwork in containers - comment not loaded.
1/8/2022 3.7.0 CLB-3355 Search messages - filter by single date does not gives results.
23/03/2022 3.5.0 CLB-3136 Inline Images not taking alternative dimensions or measures into an account.
24/01/2022 3.4.0 CLB-2745 Collapsed mode component is still visible when you change a sheet.
CLB-3259 Issues with attaching excel file to slack messages.
30/09/2021 3.2.0 CLB-2939 Vizlib Teamwork mentions email looking wrong in Outlook.
CLB-2944 Endless spinner in non-collapsed mode.
7/9/2021 3.1.0 CLB-2561 Teamwork.
18/03/2021 2.6.0 CLB-2283 Comment input is losing focus, when someone posts message with a mention.
24/02/2021 2.5.1 CLB-2434 Mentions and Subscriptions not working when email attribute is either a custom property or user attribute.
24/02/2021 2.5.1 CLB-2305 Conversation title is displayed over notification and close buttons.
23/02/2021 2.5.0 CLB-2167 Mentions fixes.
CLB-2370 Improved errors handling.
20/01/2021 2.4.0 CLB-2159 Mentions - bug fixes and improvements.
CLB-2168 Handling virtual proxy with multiple slash characters.
17/12/2020 2.3.0 CLB-2059 Mentions picker fixes.
30/11/2020 2.2.0 CLB-475 Improvements when using different screen sizes.
30/11/2020 2.2.0 CLB-1959 Fixes related to deletion of comments.
30/11/2020 2.2.0 CLB-2141 Fix for 'access denied' error thrown by Qlik Sense, when using section access protected applications.
30/11/2020 2.2.0 CLB-2028 Fix for email integration not displaying comment.
4/11/2020 2.1.0 CLB-2062 Access denied error thrown when using Bookmark Selections and Analyzer License.
14/10/2020 2.0.1 CLB-1758 Inline images - improved error handling.
14/10/2020 2.0.1 CLB-1993 Error during editing of threads.
28/07/2020 1.6.1 CLB-862 Neither edit nor delete is not available for professional users.
28/07/2020 1.6.1 CLB-1657 When using virtual proxy credentials prompt can be shown when using Teamwork.
17/04/2020 1.5.0 CLB-1079 [Enterprise only] Deleting a comment is causing comments list to scroll to the newest.
17/04/2020 1.5.0 CLB-978 [Enterprise only] Using Vizlib Table along with Vizlib Collaboration breaks some workflow icons in Collaboration.
17/04/2020 1.5.0 CLB-1091 [Professional and Enterprise only] Sometimes comments are not loaded upon scroll. In some screen resolutions previous comments were not loaded upon scrolling, message 'Loading comments' was appearing and nothing was happening.
12/3/2020 1.3.2 CLB-702 [Enterprise Only] Editing comment is causing comments list to reload to newest comments
12/3/2020 1.3.2 CLB-341 [Enterprise Only] User is able to edit a comment in the way that it contains only new lines Validation has been fixed, it won't be possible anymore.
12/3/2020 1.3.2 CLB-994 [Enterprise Only] Comments email distribution UI fixes. In some scenarios when distributing comments via email, extension could show suggestions from outside of allowed domain. Such distributions were still rejected by the server, so there was no security concern - we now fixed the UI part, so there is no confusion for the users.
12/3/2020 1.3.2 CLB-940 [Enterprise Only] Comment editing doesn't work for safari
18/02/2020 1.3.1 CLB-969 Selection not applied when selections are required on a field
18/02/2020 1.3.1 CLB-428 Link to documentation doesn't work. Link in the property panel pointing to Streams documentation has been fixed.
15/01/2020 1.2.1 VZCLB-856 Edit comment is no longer working. In version 1.2.0 there was a bug, which was causing an error upon comment edition if new feature categories was not enabled. As a consequence it was not possible to edit comment text.
15/01/2020 1.2.1 CL-1157 Vizlib Management Console - Unnecessary URL changes on save when using port 443/80
9/1/2020 1.2.0 - VSP-1046 Collaboration icon stays on the sheet after deleting it.

Security Updates

The following security updates were implemented in older releases of Vizlib Teamwork:

Date Software version Update ID Description


Important: This version requires an updated version of the Vizlib Server (v4.12.1)


Security update:

Follow the link below for the latest important security updates for Vizlib Extensions.

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Vizlib Teamwork Documentation