Subscriptions (Enterprise Only)

Subscriptions in Vizlib Teamwork were introduced in v2.5.0, and can keep you informed about a specific conversation when you're logged out of the app.

Note: The article can be used with versions of Vizlib Teamwork from v2.5.0 and above, including the v3.0.0 re-design.

Figure 1 shows a user subscribing and unsubscribing from a Vizlib Teamwork conversation When you subscribe to a conversation, you'll receive an email alert if there are any updates to the conversation. You can also customize how often you receive alerts, and unsubscribe when you no longer need to receive them.

Note: You will only receive updates for unread comments e.g. if someone replies to a comment you've made on a sheet you don't have open.

Figure 1: Teamwork Subscription Example

This topic contains the following sections:

Subscriptions - Getting Started

Subscription settings are managed in the Vizlib Teamwork conversation window. You'll find the subscription icon in the top right corner.

If you comment on a conversation for the first time you'll subscribe to it automatically, and if you click the icon, you'll open a list of alert options and a subscription status (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Subscription Options

You can choose from three alert types by clicking the option you want from the list:

  • On new comments - Emails are sent for every new comment, and arrive within approximately 10 minutes of the comment being made.

  • Daily summary email - Emails are sent once a day.

  • Weekly summary email - Emails are sent once a week.

If you're subscribed to a conversation the icon will change color , and when you click it you can change your alert settings or unsubscribe (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Unsubscribe

Subscription Alerts

When you've subscribed to a conversation, you'll receive an email alert containing the update, and a link to the sheet (Figure 4). Subscription settings are managed at conversation level, so email updates contain details about a single conversation. You can choose different update options for different conversations, but you need to subscribe to each conversation individually.

Figure 4: Email Update