User Profile Settings
This topic contains the following sections:
Profile Images
Vizlib Teamwork supports profile images for users on comments, to improve the user experience and the appearance of the Vizlib Teamwork comment box.
Figure 1: Profile Images
You can define user avatars in the Qlik Management Console (QMC) in the Content Libraries section by selecting the content library you need and opening the Associated Items page (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Content Libraries
The value provided in this property should match the Qlik Sense Content Library where images are stored. Images should be named using the following pattern.
So for a user MY_COMPANY\Admin, a valid file name would be
If there is no image saved for a user in the Content Library (or the Content Library does not exist), the default avatar will be used. The default avatar (Figure 3) consists of two first letters of the user name (Online version) or proper user initials (Enterprise only).
Figure 3: Default Avatar
User Names (Enterprise Only)
By default, Vizlib Teamwork will use user names defined on your Qlik Sense Server. The column names are held in the Users section of the QMC (Figure 4).
Figure 4: QMC Users
If email addresses or other non-user-friendly formats are used on your server to define user names and you’d like to update them within Vizlib Teamwork, you can override those names in the Vizlib Management Console (VMC) in Teamwork Settings on the Users page (Figure 5).
If you select Override User Names from QlikSense and then click Save Changes, you'll be able to specify a name for each user who has already used Vizlib Teamwork. The User label will be automatically adjusted for all previous comments.
Figure 5: Override User Names From Qliksense