Properties - Appearance

The Appearance settings in the property panel help you manage the look and feel of your Vizlib Teamwork sheet. Figure 1 shows an example where the Visualization Icon Position settings are used to configure the position of the icon for the sheet, and for individual visualizations.

Figure 1: Example

This topic contains the following sections:


With the General settings, you can enable Show Titles to display a Title, Subtitle, and Footnote, and Show Details to display descriptions or data related to any dimensions or measures you're using (Figure 2).

Figure 2: General

Alternate States

Alternate States (Figure 3) lets you to assign your Vizlib Teamwork object to an alternate selection state. More about alternate states can be found here.

Figure 3: Alternate States

Collapsed Mode

You can enable Collapsed Mode (Figure 4) in the sheet, you'll replace the Vizlib Teamwork Extension with an icon. You can control the icon position by dragging and dropping it within the sheet. You can choose between a Comment or Collaboration Collapsed icon and also one of three background shapes.

Note: The icon will be hidden in analysis mode if the object mode is set to Visualization.

Figure 4: Collapsed Mode

Global Theme Colors

With Global Theme Colors (Figure 5), you can choose a Main Color and Main Text Color for the display.

Figure 5: Global Theme Colors

Comments Styling

Comments Styling (Figure 6) gives you the ability to customize the appearance of the comment text box in Vizlib Teamwork. There is a Preview window to show you how the comment will be displayed. To add an item, you simply click the checkbox to Show author name, Show author image, Show timestamp, Show comment hover menu and Show comments icon.

Figure 6: Comments Styling

Visibility Context Menu

The Visibility Context Menu (Figure 7) is displayed when the sheet is in Analysis mode and you right-click on a comment. You select the options to display by ticking the checkbox and can choose from Show add comment, Show distribute comment, Show selection field mode, Show apply selections, Show copy shareable link, Show comment details, Show delete comment, and Show edit comment.

Figure 7: Visibility Context Menu

Visualization Icon Position

With Visualization Icon Position (Figure 8) you can choose the position of the visualization icon within the sheet from the dropdown. You have two options when choosing a Position Type to specify the distance from the edge of the chart - Dynamic (the icon is positioned using percentages) or Static (the icon is positioned using pixels). You can also use Dynamic or Static dimension settings to vary the Size of the icon. The example here uses a Static Bottom Right position.

Figure 8: Visualization Position

You can also vary the position of the Icon within a specific visualization by clicking to open the settings, and enabling Overwrite icon position (Figure 9).

Figure 9: Overwrite Icon Position

Figure 10 shows the difference between static and dynamic settings. On the left, the icon is set to 45 pixels (static), so it will remain the same size. On the right, the icon is set to 35% of the overall visualization size (dynamic), so it will re-size automatically when the visualization dimensions change.

Figure 10: Dynamic vs. Static