Pasting Data Values

With Vizlib Writeback Table you can paste one (or more) values into the table from a spreadsheet, or even a separate system, quickly adding them - in bulk - as data inputs.

This topic contains the following sections:

Guidelines and Errors

If you need to paste any data into a table, there are some guidelines for you to follow.

  • Pasting should only be attempted in editable cells.

  • Use the CTRL+V command to paste data you've saved on the clipboard.

  • Click on an editable cell to focus the cursor.

  • Select Single Cell or Multi Cell pasting.

  • Data is pasted into the focused cell, and the cells to the right (if you are trying to paste more than one column).

  • Pasting multiple rows from a spreadsheet (e.g. Microsoft Excel) is supported.

  • Pasting can also be done using the Context menu.

An error will be returned if

  • There are no cells to the right to accept the pasted values.

  • The pasted values do not meet any validation requirements for the cell.

Single Cell and Multi Cell

If you try to paste some data from the clipboard into a writeback table cell which has multiple rows supported (see the Customization article here), a pop-up dialog will open which asks you to choose between single cell and multi cell paste operations (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Paste Options

Multi Cell will paste data into multiple cells (you can see an example using the first four table rows in Figure 2).

Figure 2: Multi Cell Example

Single Cell will paste multiple rows into a single cell (Figure 3 shows an example).

Figure 3: Single Cell Example

Multiple Columns

This example shows how to paste an Excel table of 2 rows and 4 columns from the clipboard.

Q1 1.53
Q2 2.28
Q3 1.72
Q4 3.15
  • Select the focused cell in the table (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Focused Cell in Table

  • Use CTRL +V to paste the values into the focused cell and the column to the right (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Paste Completed