Vizlib Writeback Table Properties - Writeback Settings - Data Refresh

Refresh On Data Update

The Refresh on data update option enables you to decide how Writeback Table reacts to data refresh caused by, for example, selection changes or application reloads. This option is available in Writeback Table > Properties Panel > Writeback Settings > Data Refresh.

Figure 1:  Refresh on data update option on the user interface

You can set the Refresh on data update option to the following values:

  • Auto—the refresh is automatic after data is updated in the Writeback Table's data model.

  • Manual—when any data is changed while you’re editing, Writeback Table doesn’t perform an automatic data refresh.

    Note: The Manual setting is default for newly created tables.

With the Manual setting, you can finish editing your data uninterrupted, especially if you're editing data with multiple users or in multiple places. When you're using Writeback Table with the Manual setting, the following actions doesn't interrupt your work:

  • Reloading the application

  • Making selections

  • Changing the variable value

  • Applying bookmarks

When the Refresh on data update option is set to Manual, the button appears at the bottom of the Writeback Table. This button state informs you that the Writeback object is currently connected to a data model.

As a result, the refresh is automatic after data changes in the data model.

When you click the button or start editing your data, the button changes its state to . This state informs you that the Writeback object is disconnected from a data model.

As a result, the software ignores any changes made to the data model to ensure that changes don’t affect your work.

When you’re disconnected from a validation loop and changes have been made to the Writeback Table data source, the button changes its state to .

By clicking the button, you can refresh your table to reflect the changes and synchronize with the data model.

Note: If there are conflicts between the external model and your changes, you can resolve them using the Data conflicts resolution window.