Vizlib Gantt v2.6.2


New Features

The following feature has been introduced in this release:

Feature ID Description


Header text color options. Just like what you can do for the event text, you can now colour the header bars text different colors. This is found under Appearance > Group Header Styling

Resolved Issues

The following issues have been resolved in this release:

Feature ID Description


The Event Bar label doesn't display the entire label when the label position is set to be displayed outside.

When the label position was outside of the event, it took the Character Limit from the inside position.

N.b. to get your character limit to show correctly when the position is outside, you need to change the value of either Character limit or Character limit mode. A fix will come to make this option seamless so you don't need to repeat this step.


Parent group percentages of the events is not respecting the dataset.

Vizlib Gantt Documentation