Property Panel Search

This topic contains the following sections:

Property Panel Search

With the Vizlib Property Panel Search, you can enter text into a search box to return results which help you to find settings in the property panel (Figure 1). The example here shows a search to find the enable Tooltips settings in a Vizlib Combo Chart.

Figure 1: Property Panel Search

When you run the search, you'll return results for every match, with the number of matches in each section displayed. Once you've found them, you can quickly and easily find and apply the features you need (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Search Results

You can find a list of all the Vizlib extensions which include property panel search in Vizlib Capabilities.

Known Limitations

There are some current limitations to using the property panel search, we've listed them here.

  • In some cases, more results than expected may be highlighted.

  • All dropdown setting values will be searched, even if they are not currently selected.

  • Searching through dynamic labels or user-defined values is not supported.

  • Limited support for searching through alternative measures & dimensions.

  • Limited support for searching through reference value items (arrays, such as reference lines or reference areas).