Viztips Overview

Viztips feature expands the capabilities of Legacy Viztips by enabling you to include Vizlib-native, Qlik-native, or third-party extensions as visualizations inside a Viztip, therefore saving dashboard space. You can define a Viztip for an entire extension and its elements, such as dimensions, measures, or columns, which enables you to create Viztips-rich dashboards. You can use Viztips inside the following extensions:

  • Vizlib Bar Chart v4.4.0 or above

  • Vizlib Gantt v2.12.0 or above

  • Vizlib Writeback Table v4.18.0 or above

Viztips are displayed in the form of tooltips or popups, enabling you to discover more insights in your data visualizations.

This topic contains the following sections:

Enable Viztips

You can enable Viztips in Vizlib Bar Chart, Vizlib Gantt, and Vizlib Writeback Table. Since the user interface differs between extensions, the way you enable Viztips depends on which extension you use.

  • Vizlib Bar Chart

The Legacy Viztips feature is supported in Vizlib Bar Chart, so you can decide which version of Viztips you want to use with this chart. Click on the extension on your dashboard and navigate to the Properties Panel on the right-hand side of the screen. Select Appearance > Viztips & Tooltips from the list and when the tab expands, enable Tooltips. After enabling Tooltips, Viztips settings option is displayed. You can choose between Viztips and Legacy Viztips. If you were using Legacy Viztips before, you can convert them into the updated version without the need to define them again. Use the Convert from legacy Viztips button.

  • Vizlib Gantt

Click on the Gantt extension on your dashboard and go to the Properties Panel. Click the Viztips tab and when the tab expands, change the setting to Enabled.

  • Vizlib Writeback Table

Click on the Writeback Table extension on your dashboard and navigate to the Properties Panel on the right-hand side of the screen. Select Appearance > Viztips Settings from the list and when the tab expands, change the setting to Enabled.

Define Viztips for the Entire Extension

To define a Viztip, you need to ensure that the visualization you want inside a Viztip is a master item. To make the visualization a master item, right-click on the visualization and select Add to master items. Then, follow the instructions listed below:

  1. In the extension selected, navigate to the Properties panel > Viztips. The Viztips settings are displayed.

  2. Navigate to Viztip default visualization > Viztip Visualization.

  3. Select the visualization from the drop-down list and configure the following options:

  • Global State – You can control if Viztips are enabled or disabled on all dimensions and measures in a particular chart.

  • Selection Mode – Controls how selections are passed to a Viztip.

You can customize the selection mode or choose the following options depending on the extension you are using:

  • Vizlib Bar Chart and Gantt – Select the By all dimensions option.

  • Vizlib Writeback Table – Select the Using key columns option.

To learn how to customize the selection mode, see Customize Selection Mode.

Define Viztips for Extension Elements

After enabling Viztips for the entire extension, you can also define Viztips separately for Dimensions, Measures or Columns, depending on the chart.

Extension Extension elements

Vizlib Bar Chart



Vizlib Gantt


Vizlib Writeback Table Columns

You can define Viztips for the chosen element in the following destinations:

  • Vizlib Bar Chart – Properties panel > Data > Dimensions or Properties panel > Data > Measures.

  • Vizlib Gantt – Properties panel > Dimensions.

  • Vizlib Writeback Table – Properties panel > Columns.

Viztips options are available after you select a specific dimension, measure, or column.

You can select the following options:

  • Use Global – The Viztip for the dimension, measure, or column has the visualization defined for the entire extension.

  • Enabled – The Viztip is enabled for the chosen dimension, measure, or column and can be defined separately.

  • Disabled – The Viztip is disabled for the chosen dimension, measure, or column.

Additionally, you can decide if the Viztip defined for the dimension, measure, or column overrides the definition created for the entire extension. The following options are available under Viztip Settings:

  • Override Visualization – The visualization inside the Viztip defined for the dimension or measure overrides the main Viztip. Once you enable this setting, you can choose the vizualization that overrides the main Viztip from the drop-down list.

  • Override Selection – The selection mode defined for the Viztip inside a dimension or measure overrides the selection mode of the main Viztip. Once you enable this option, you can choose the selection mode.

  • Override Appearance – The appearance defined for the Viztip inside a dimension or measure overrides the appearance of the main Viztip. Once you enable this setting, the display mode, height, and width can be configured.

Customize Selection Mode

For more complicated data models, you can customize the Selection mode of the Viztips extension. In the Properties Panel navigate to Viztips > Selection mode and change the mode to Custom. Then, you need to manually define how selections are reflected in a Viztip.

  1. Click the Add selection button to configure the dimension and selection options.

  2. Select the Dimension from the drop-down list, to view the dimensions used in the extension.

  3. Choose the Selection field from a drop-down list, to view the dimensions or fields available in the extension.

Display a Viztip as a Tooltip or a Popup

A Viztip can be a tooltip or a popup. To choose how a Viztip is displayed, go to Viztips > Viztip default appearance > Display Mode and select the Tooltip or a Popup option, depending on your preference.

The tooltip is visible when you hover over a visualization element on your dashboard.

Figure 1. Viztip in Tooltip Mode

When you want to display a Viztip as a popup, you need to hover over the element in your dashboard and select the Click to open Viztip option. The software displays a window with a visualization inside it. You can interact with the Viztip by editing data inside it or making selections.

Figure 2. Viztip in Popup Mode

After you choose the display mode, you can adjust the Tooltip height and Tooltip width or Popup height and Popup width by using sliders.

Configure Custom Messages

You can configure a Custom loading message for Viztips used in Vizlib Bar Chart, Gantt, and Writeback Table. The message is displayed when a Viztip with a large volume of data is being created.

In the Properties Panel, navigate to Viztips > Custom loading message.You can add the message directly in the field or inside the Expression Editor.

Note: When the Custom loading message is empty, a default message is displayed - Loading Viztip…. The custom loading message is empty by default.

Viztips Limitations

The Viztips feature has the following limitations:

  • When you use Vizlib Finance extension inside a Viztip in Tooltip Mode and the Open table expanded to level option of Finance is set to a value other than 0, the tooltip may not display as expected. insightsoftware recommends that you set the Open table expanded to level to 0 or leave the field unpopulated when using Finance in Tooltip Mode, or that you use Finance in Popup Mode instead. You can change the setting of the Open table expanded to level option when you have the Finance extension open in Qlik by going to Properties Panel > Settings.

  • You can’t interact with any objects in Tooltip Mode.

    Note: To enable additional interaction with items in a Viztip, for example by editing data, insightsoftware recommends using the Popup mode. For more information, see Display a Viztip as a Tooltip or a Popup.

  • Within the Writeback Table, the Viztips extension exclusively acknowledges edited cell values provided they align with Viztips' selection definition criteria.

  • Mobile view is not supported.

  • You need KPI designer version 2.6.0 or above to use it inside Viztips.

  • You need Custom Report version 6.9.1 or above to use it inside Viztips.

  • Visualizations that have Viztips opened in Popup Mode should not have time-based functions used in any of their layout properties, for example Now() or LocalTime() as it leads to a Viztip being endlessly refreshed.

  • insightsoftware doesn't recommend using Viztips in Popup Mode on multiple levels, for example inside other Viztips.
  • insightsoftware doesn't recommend using Viztips in Popup Mode in Vizlib Writeback Table that has Engine Settings > Refresh on data update set to Manual.

  • When Vizlib Writeback Table has Engine Settings > Refresh on data update set to Manual, Viztips behavior can be affected. Whenever the table is not snychronized with latest data, a Viztip is not rendered in Tooltip Mode. Also, data is lost in Viztip in a Popup Mode on refresh. If you want to use a Viztip in Popup Mode, insightsoftware recommends setting the Engine Settings > Refresh on data update to Auto.

The following extensions cannot be used in Viztips:

  • Sheet Menu

  • Sheet Menu Plus

  • Teamwork

  • Cards

  • Heatmap

  • Sankey

  • Horizontal Selection Bar

  • On-demand reporting from Qlik Dashboard Bundle


You can add third-party master item extensions in Viztips, but this functionality is not actively supported. As a result, stability and maintenance are not guaranteed for such extensions. Using extensions that are not Qlik- or Vizlib-native inside Viztips may cause errors that are not resolved.