Properties - Dimensions and Measures

In Vizlib Line Chart, settings for dimensions and measures are held in the Data section of the property panel. Vizlib Line Chart supports either one dimension with up to ten measures or two dimensions with one measure (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Line Chart Example

This topic contains the following sections:


When you add a dimension (Figure 2), you can enter your own Label name for the Field, and choose to Include null values. You can also select a Limitation when you're displaying values (No limitation, Fixed number, Exact value and Relative value) and add a new Master Item. You can click Add alternative if you'd like to use alternative dimensions. If you add alternatives, you'll be able to choose the dimension you use in analysis mode.

Figure 2: Dimension


When you add a measure (Figure 3), you can enter your own Label name for the Expression you use with the measure, select the Number formatting you'd like to use from the dropdown, enter an expression for Custom Tooltip, and choose Keep native value.

Figure 3: Measure

Dynamic Label

If you choose to show a Dynamic Label (Figure 4), you can add a Label Expression, and you can also enter a Condition if you'd like to add a Visibility Condition. You can also set the Axis Position for the measure (Primary sets the axis to the left, Secondary to the right), allowing you to customise the axis to display multiple measures on the same line chart.

Figure 4: Dynamic Label, Visibility Condition, Axis Position


If you choose to show Markers to visualize the data points on the line chart, you can choose between three Representation options : Symbol, Icon and Image.

If you display a Symbol (Figure 5), you select an option from the drop-down, and set the Symbol Size (by expression or using the slider).

Figure 5: Symbol

If you choose an Icon (Figure 6), you can make your selection either by entering an expression in the editor, or by using the icon picker and the slider.

Figure 6: Icon

If you're adding an Image (Figure 7), you can choose an online URL or upload your image with the Qlik Sense content editor in Image URL, and set the Symbol Size.

Figure 7: Image

Line Style

You can select the Line Style for the line chart (Figure 8), choosing a Line Curve Style from the drop-down and a line or area Representation. If you enable Stack data, the dimensions in the chart will be "stacked" on top of each other rather than overlapping. You can use expressions or a slider to set the Line Opacity, Data Point Opacity and Line Thickness.

Figure 8: Line Style

Trend Lines

If you enable the Trend Lines settings (Figure 9), you can choose a Regression Type from the drop-down, set the regression Line Style and use the sliders to set the Regression Line Opacity and the Regression Line Thickness. You can customize the Color mode, and if you choose to display a Regression Equation, you can set the Equation position, Equation vertical position, the Equation Font Size and the Equation Opacity Offset.

Figure 9: Trend Lines

Show Values

If you switch Show Values to On (Figure 10), you can set the Position mode, customize the Color Mode and choose the Font Size.

Figure 10: Show Values

Forecast Settings

The Forecast settings (Figure 11) allow you to manage the look and feel of the forecasting elements in your line chart. The first (and most important) control is Excluded From Forecasting, which is set to Included by default. If you don't want a measure to be used in the forecast, it should be set to Excluded. If the measure is included, you can customize the % Confidence Area to set the Area Background Color and Area Opacity, choose your own Line Styling options by selecting a Line Color and Line Style, and enable the Accumulate Values setting.

Figure 11: Forecast Settings

As with dimensions, you can click Add alternative if you'd like to use alternative measures. If you add alternatives, you'll be able to choose the measure you use in analysis mode.