Properties - Data - Dimensions, Measures, Data Handling, Sorting

This topic contains the following sections:


The Data settings for Vizlib Pie Chart manage the measures and dimension you're using to create the visualization. You can add dimension or measures using Fields and Master Items, and also choose to add alternative dimensions and measures. In this article we're using settings for fields. If you'd like to see how you add together measures and dimensions to create a Vizlib Pie Chart, you can find one in our setup guide here.


Vizlib Pie Chart supports only one dimension with multiple metrics. Dimension settings (Figure 1) allow you to name a Field, a Label, a check box to Include null values, select a Limitation (No Limitation, Fixed number, Exact value, Relative value), and a new Master item.

Figure 1: Dimensions


Vizlib Pie Chart supports up to 50 measures (Figure 2), each one added as a tooltip. The first measure is also used to determine the size of the slice. You can enter an Expression, add a Label, and choose a Number formatting option (Auto, Number, Money, Date, Duration, Custom, Measure Expression).

If you are using master items, you can enable Master measure formatting, which means formatting for the measure is taken from the master item definition (you can find master items in the Custom Objects menu in the left hand panel).

Note: Master measure formatting is not displayed for measures created using the Fields list.

Figure 2: Measures

Data Handling

The Data Handling section (Figure 3) contains settings displaying your data. You can choose to Suppress Zero Values if you want to hide them, and enter a Calculation condition, which means the chart will be displayed only when the condition is true. You can also enter your own Displayed message to inform users about whether the condition has been met.

Figure 3: Data Handling


You can customize your own Sorting settings (Figure 4) to Sort by expression, Sort numerically, or Sort alphabetically, in ascending or descending order.

Figure 4: Sorting