Properties - Appearance

The Appearance section of the property panel controls the look and feel of your Vizlib Pie Chart.

This topic contains the following sections:


In the General section (Figure 1), you can add a Title, Subtitle and Footnote, choose to Toggle off hover menu, and Show details to display information on dimensions and measures.

Figure 1: General

Chart Style, Data Points

You can choose between a Pie or Donut Chart Style and if you decide to enable Data Points, you can set the Data Point Color, Font Size, Data Points Position and Data Points Type.

Figure 2: Chart Style, Data Points


If you choose to Show a Dimension Title (Figure 3), you can set the Dimension Color, Font Size, Dimension Font Style, show alternative dimensions with Show Alternative Count and display a breadcrumb trail with Show drilldown breadcrumbs.

Figure 3: Dimension


If you choose to Show a Measure Title (Figure 4), you can set the Measure Color, Font Size, Measure Font Style, show alternative dimensions with Show Alternative Count and display a breadcrumb trail with Show drilldown breadcrumbs.

Figure 4: Measure


If you choose to display a Legend (Figure 5), you can choose to Force show legend, set the Legend position, and make adjustments like Radial line length, or Spacing and Tile Size (not shown), set the Legend Font Color, and choose to Limit dimension characters and Display values.

Figure 5: Legend


If you choose to display Totals (Figure 6), you can add a Totals Label, choose a Totals position, Display Total Type, set the Label Font size, Label Font Color and Label Font Style. You can also customize a Totals Format Type, setting the Value Format, Value Font Size, Value Font Color and Value Font Style.

Figure 6: Totals

Colors, Font Family

There are several options for setting Colors in your pie chart. You can use a color Scheme (Figure 7), use Custom to enter a list of color Hex codes, set a color Range, and color by Dimension or by Expression. You can also reverse the color palette with Reverse Colors, and choose not to reassign colors by selecting Persistent Colors. You can also set the Color Opacity.

Figure 7: Colors

You can also choose a Font Family for the pie chart using the drop-down (Figure 8).

Figure 8: Font Family