Properties - Appearance and Alternate States
This topic contains the following sections:
The Custom Report is very flexible and allows users to customize the report's look and feel. Each customizable section on the Custom Report can be accessed under the Appearance tab in the property panel. With numerous ways to style each section, the design possibilities are endless!
Fonts: Fonts can be customized and fitted to Small, Medium or Large, colored to your preference and given a style of Bold, Italic or Underlined.
Items: The height of the items on the left side menu can be adjusted to Small, Medium or Large and colored to your preference.
Borders: Borders can be colored to give objects an immersive feel and or provide a contrast to the background.
Extension background color: The background of the extension can be colored to your preference. Sort bar items: The sort bar items can be customized to a color of your preference and separate settings are available for dimensions and measures.
Figure 1 shows title and background color changes being applied to the Custom Report.
Figure 1: Appearance Changes
In the General tab (Figure 2) you can choose to show or hide a title, add title details using the expression editors and enable Show details in the Custom Report, selecting whether to display expressions, tags and data.
Figure 2: Appearance General
You can also enable Can take snapshot, and use Scale visualization to fit the custom report snapshot to the data size, choosing from a list of options in Visualization snapshot format. Show maximize icon lets users maximise objects in the custom report, and export settings can be enabled with Can export with image/pdf.
Note: Snapshot icon has been part of the Hover Menu since the Qlik Sense September 2020 release, and is no longer controlled using the property panel.
Figure 3: General Settings
Collapse and Expand Left Menu
The entire left side menu can be set to collapse and expand so you can focus more on the data in front of you (Figure 4). To access this feature, navigate to the Settings menu of the Appearance tab in the property panel. Under the label Left menu display mode, choose Expandable.
Note: It is possible to start with the left menu hidden, which is useful when using Analytic Search.
Figure 4: Left Menu Display
Use Expression Labels and Descriptions
If you're looking to align your labels with the expressions in the left hand menu, you can enable Use Expression Labels and/or Use Expression Descriptions (Figure 5) to display these values.
Figure 5: Use Expression Labels
Show or Hide Data Sets
If the user is only working with one data set the Data Sets section can by ticking the Hide data sets check box in the Settings menu, which removes access to Presets (Figure 6).
Note: Switching between data sets can still be allowed using the context (right-click) menu settings.
Figure 6: Hide Data Sets
Hide Visualization Title and Switch
It is possible to hide the visualization title and visualization switch using the Hide title text and Hide visualization switch check boxes in the Visualization title options menu (Figure 7).
Figure 7: Hide Visualization Title / Switch
Note: While hidden, switching visualizations is still available using the context (right-click) menu.
Visualization Forced Colors
You can change the visualization background and border colors using Forced settings in the Visualization forced colors menu (Figure 8).
Note: These colors will not be kept during exports due to limitations in Qlik Sense exports.
Figure 8: Forced Colors
Show or Hide Details
You can choose to show or hide expressions, data and tags you display about dimensions and measures in the context menu when you enable Show Details (Figure 9).
Figure 9: Show Details
In Figure 10, you can see an example details screen when no options are selected.
Figure 10: None Selected
In Figure 11, you can see an example where all the options are selected.
Figure 11: All Selected
Alternate States
The custom report selection bar can only use one alternative state per selection bar (each list can not be separated). The setting is found here in the Appearance tab in the property panel (Figure 12). You can find more information about working with alternate states here.
Figure 12: Alternate States