Properties - Appearances
This topic contains the following sections:
Layout mode
Choose between the layout modes Fill or Top (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Layout Mode
Text Layout
Show from the different Layouts to highlight the most important aspect in your Vizlib Simple KPI visualization (Figure 2).
KPI focus
Comparison focus
Hide all text
Figure 2: Text Layout
Margins for your Vizlib Simple KPI chart can be set to depending on the available space or coveted style and feel (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Margins
Horizontal Align
Align your text either to the Left, Middle or Right (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Horizontal Align
Style your text with three different size options and the possibility of choosing between bold or normal text. Hide or show the KPI Label, Target Measure and Target Label (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Text
Background Image
A background image can be applied to your Vizlib Simple KPI chart either by an Image URL, through the Content library media, or by selecting a preexisting icon (Figure 6).
Icon as Background vs Image as Background
Figure 6: Background Image
The Vizlib Simple KPI can be further customized by choosing one of the different icons and fine tuning its placement. To simplify the process, the icons are categorized in the three groups: Good, Good enough or Bad (Figure 7).
Figure 7: Icons
Full control of color settings for both text and trend (Figure 8). You can choose to have quick access to banding for Target color mode (two or three colors) or you can use an expression to set the Target color. The trend color is independent of the target (icon) color and can also be set either to a specific color or an expression.
Figure 8: Colors
If you are in need of more control of the settings, switch the Target color mode to Expression. The color and icon direction can now be controlled using expressions. For the icon, direction 1 indicates up, 0 points the icon to the right and -1 will point it down.
Figure 9: Target Color Mode Expression
Select what you want to show "on mouseover" the object (Figure 10). This is also where you enable navigation mode. The setting is found in Appearances > Hover.
Figure 10: Hover