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Page Report Studio Report Server v23

Page Report Studio provides a dynamic report view at the client side. You can dynamically modify - filter, search, sort, and drill - reports to obtain unique and personal data views. This topic describes the main features and the Basic View and Interactive View of Page Report Studio.

Page Report Studio also supports a web design feature, enabling you to create reports using report oriented data structures based on predefined business views, save your custom modifications to the reports and export the reports to all supported output formats.

Report Server stores page reports that you published to Server and that you created in Page Report Studio, in the server resource system. Page reports follow the server resource and version management rules such as archive policy and permission setting. Report Designer supports creating, opening, and editing of page reports as well.

Page Report Studio has two views: Basic View and Interactive View. Basic View provides viewing-oriented functions only and Interactive View provides additional editing and analytic functions. When you access Page Report Studio by creating new page reports, you see Interactive View by default; when you access by running existing page reports, which view applies depends on the way you use to run the reports. You can switch between the two views by selecting the corresponding view link on the toolbar if it is available.

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