Configuring a DSN-less Connection
Some client applications provide support for connecting to a data source using a connector without a Data Source Name (DSN). To configure a DSN-less connection, you can use a connection string or the Simba Spark ODBC Driver Configuration tool that is installed with the Simba Apache Spark ODBC Connector. Settings in a connection string apply only when you connect to Spark using that particular string, while settings in the connector configuration tool apply to every connection that uses the Simba Apache Spark ODBC Connector.
The following section explains how to use the connector configuration tool. For information about using connection strings, see Using a Connection String.
- Settings in the connection string take precedence over settings in the DSN, and settings in the DSN take precedence over connector-wide settings.
- The drop-down lists in the connector configuration tool only display one option at a time. Use the scroll arrows on the right side of the drop-down list to view and select other options.
To configure a DSN-less connection using the connector configuration tool:
- Choose one:
- If you are using Windows 7 or earlier, click Start > All Programs > Simba Apache Spark ODBC Connector 2.8 > Driver Configuration.
- Or, if you are using Windows 8 or later, click the arrow button at the bottom of the Start screen, and then click Simba Apache Spark ODBC Connector 2.8 > Driver Configuration.
- If you are prompted for administrator permission to make modifications to the machine, click OK.
- From the Spark Server Type drop-down list, select the appropriate server type for the version of Spark that you are running:
- If you are running Shark 0.8.1 or earlier, then select SharkServer.
- If you are running Shark 0.9, Spark 1.1 or later, then select SparkThriftServer.
- Specify whether the connector uses the DataStax AOSS service when connecting to Spark:
- To connect to Spark without using the DataStax AOSS service, from the Service Discovery Mode drop-down list, select No Service Discovery.
- Or, to discover Spark services via the DataStax AOSS service, do the following:
- From the Service Discovery Mode drop-down list, select AOSS.
- If the AOSS endpoints require different authentication and SSL settings than the Spark service that you are connecting to, click Service Discovery Options and configure the options in the AOSS Options dialog box as needed. For more information, see Configuring AOSS Options.
- In the Authentication area, configure authentication as needed. For more information, see Configuring Authentication.
- Optionally, if the operations against Spark are to be done on behalf of a user that is different than the authenticated user for the connection, then in the Delegation UID field, type the name of the user to be delegated.
- From the Thrift Transport drop-down list, select the transport protocol to use in the Thrift layer.
- If the Thrift Transport option is set to HTTP, then to configure HTTP options such as custom headers, click HTTP Options. For more information, see Configuring HTTP Options.
- To configure the connector to connect to Spark through a proxy server, click Proxy Options. For more information, see Configuring a Proxy Connection.
- To configure client-server verification over SSL, click SSL Options. For more information, see Configuring SSL Verification.
- To configure advanced options, click Advanced Options. For more information, see Configuring Advanced Options.
- To configure server-side properties, click Advanced Options and then click Server Side Properties. For more information, see Configuring Server-Side Properties.
- To configure logging behavior for the connector, click Logging Options. For more information, see Configuring Logging Options.
- To save your settings and close the Simba Spark ODBC Driver Configuration tool, click OK.
Make sure to select the Driver Configuration Tool that has the same bitness as the client application that you are using to connect to Spark.
You must have administrator access to the machine to run this application because it makes changes to the registry.
Shark Server does not support authentication. Most default configurations of Spark Thrift Server require User Name authentication. To verify the authentication mechanism that you need to use for your connection, check the configuration of your Hadoop / Spark distribution. For more information, see Authentication Mechanisms.
This option is applicable only when connecting to a Spark Thrift Server instance that supports this feature.
For information about how to determine which Thrift transport protocols your Spark server supports, see Authentication Mechanisms.
If you selected User Name or Windows Azure HDInsight Emulator as the authentication mechanism, SSL is not available.
- Creating a Data Source Name
- Configuring AOSS Options
- Configuring Authentication
- Configuring Advanced Options
- Configuring a Proxy Connection
- Configuring HTTP Options
- Configuring SSL Verification
- Configuring Server-Side Properties
- Configuring Logging Options
- General Driver Configuration Options on page 1