Email Template
When you set up a Vizlib Teamwork integration, you can choose between using Email, Slack, or Microsoft Teams to notify users of events or changes e.g. when a user is mentioned in a thread.
This topic contains the following sections:
Email Integrations - v2.2.0 Update
Email Integrations are managed in the Vizlib Management Console (VMC). Settings include a template to manage the notification email layout and content. Until v2.2.0 of Teamwork, the template generated an email similar to Figure 1.
Figure 1: Email Notification before Version 2.2.0
In Release v2.2.0 of Vizlib Teamwork, we've updated and improved the email template to help you create and manage email notifications. This article outlines the features of the updated email template.
Note: To access the VMC and work with email integration settings, you need to have installed Vizlib Server. If you'd like to know more about Vizlib Server, please see our introduction here.
Getting Started
Email Template Settings are found in the VMC under Server > Integrations, which displays a list of available integrations. If you click the integration name you'll open the Update Integration screen (Figure 2), or if you need to set up a new integration click Add Integration to open the Add Integration screen and select Email from the Type drop-down.
Figure 2: Update Integration
There are four tabs on the screen - SMTP server settings, Template Editor, Mentions Template Editor, and Templates Preview. The open tab displayed in the edit screen will be underlined in blue.
Email Template Tags
It's now much easier to build a template in the editor by using tags to add elements of Teamwork content (Figure 3).
You can use a tooltip to identify a tag element, then click the icon to add it to the code. With tags, you can quickly and easily start to build a completely new email template.
Figure 3: Tags
If you see a green tick beside a tag, it's already been added to the code. On the far right of the editor, clicking Restore default template reloads your original code, in case you need to start again.
You can use tags in both the Template editor and Mentions template editor.
Template Editor
The Template editor tab (Figure 4) holds the layout settings used in Teamwork email notifications.
If you've already been using an email integration for Teamwork, your existing email template will have been populated in Template Editor for v2.2.0.
Figure 4: Template Editor
In the updated Template editor screen, you can edit the code manually, and also add tags. As a result, you can adapt the look and feel of your email template to reflect your own branding requirements.
The sidebar on the right helps you keep track of your location. When you've finished editing, click Update Integration to save the template.
Mentions Template Editor
The Mentions template editor (Figure 5) holds the template used in Teamwork notifications where the recipient has been mentioned by another user.
The template uses Vizlib branding, but it can be edited to accommodate your own branding, and lets you adapt a distinct look and feel for mentions notifications. The scrollable sidebar on the right lets you keep track of your location. When you've finished editing, click Update Integration.
Figure 5: Mentions Template Editor
If you want to read more about mentions in Teamwork, please see our article here.
Templates Preview
The Templates preview screen (Figure 6) displays a preview of an email notification. You can use the toggle to move between the different templates, and check the content of the email (e.g. whether to add an image). When you've finished, click Update Integration.
Figure 6: Templates Preview
Template Output - Notification Email
The template editor will now generate an email in the updated format (Figure 7).
Figure 7: Email Notification Format