Mentions are designed to get you sharing Vizlib Teamwork content with other users directly from the app.
Mentions are available in Vizlib Teamwork v2.0.0 and above and are fully supported in Qlik Sense and Qlik Cloud SaaS.
Note: This article can be used with versions of Vizlib Teamwork v2.0.0 and above, including the v3.0.0 re- design.
This topic includes the following sections:
Using Mentions
When you add a mention for a user in a comment, they receive a notification via email.
You can add text, and attach images to the message and the comment is saved in the app as well. Figure 1 shows a mention being added to a comment in a Teamwork stream. Figure 2 shows a Teamwork stream with mentions added.
Figure 1: Teamwork Mentions Example
Figure 2: Teamwork Stream with mentions
QMC and VMC Configuration
Mentions in Vizlib Teamwork are set up by referencing settings from the Qlik Management Console (QMC) on the Teamwork Settings page of the Vizlib Management Console (VMC).
In the QMC, the Users page (Figure 3) contains a list of Qlik Sense users.
If a field contains a valid email address (e.g. in Figure 3, the field is userId), it can be used to enable mentions when you configure the VMC settings.
Figure 3: QMC Users (Simplified View)
In the VMC, click Default Settings to view the options for Qlik Sense users, enter the Email Attribute (Figure 4) that contains the options referenced in the QMC Users list.
Figure 4: VMC Email Attribute
To enable mentions in your Teamwork stream, select the QMC Users field which contains a valid email address (e.g. userID) from the list in Email Attribute.
Click Save Changes to apply your settings.
Note: The same field may be displayed with different cases (e.g. QMC attributes beginning with upper case, but using all lower case in the VMC). Using Mentions is not affected. .
Using Teamwork Mentions
To mention a user, type @ in the text box used for entering comments on the Teamwork sheet. You should see a list of user names appear. If the list does not appear, please review the settings described in QMC and VMC Configuration. If you would like more information about user accounts, please read our article on Teamwork User Profile Settings here.
Either scroll through the list or type the username to find the user you want, add your comments or images, and press Enter to send the comment (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Teamwork Mention Added
Note: If you add an image from a visualization, the image icon will change color.
The mention is highlighted in the comment stream, along with the image if one is added (Figure 6).
Figure 6: Comment with Mention Added
The mentioned user should receive a notification via email when the comment is posted. Figure 7 shows an example notification for a Teamwork integration with email.
Figure 7: Email Notification Example
If you need to edit the comment containing the mention, a new notification is sent to the mentioned user.
Teamwork Settings
You can manage and update your settings for Teamwork mentions in the Teamwork Settings section of the Vizlib Management Console.