
The Settings menu in Vizlib Gantt empowers you to finely control the visual presentation of your chart, highlighting key aspects as needed. Within this menu, you'll find options to tailor the Timeline appearance, such as adjusting the direction, week start day, weekend display, current date reference, and even introducing timeline stripes. The feature also accommodates the management of holidays, allowing you to specify dates, colors, and opacity.

Additionally, the Range and Zoom settings offer control over the date range, with a scroll bar option for navigation, and you can set a default focus date. The Hide hours feature provides flexibility to conceal certain time intervals. Lastly, Zoom settings can be customized, from days to hours, enhancing your chart's flexibility.

This topic contains the following sections:


Figure 1.1 shows the Timeline settings. Below is the explanation of each property.

Figure 1.1: Timeline settings

  • Direction

    • This changes the position of the horizontal timeline to be presented on the top (default) or bottom

      Note: Dependencies will not work when Direction is set to Bottom.

  • Start day

    • Monday (default)

      • Saturday and Sunday are the weekends

    • Sunday

      • Friday and Saturday are the weekends

  • Hide weekends on timeline

    • This removes the weekends from the timeline

      Note: Removing weekends from your timeline can result in misaligned events that have altered end dates due to the hidden weekends.

  • Highlight weekends

    • Enabled (default)

      • Presents a stripe color on the weekends (specified by Start day).

    • Disabled

  • Highlight current date

    • Enabled (default)

      • Shows the date marker on Gantt's timeline. This color cannot be changed

        Note: Use the Custom CSS feature from the Sheet Menu Plus to alter the color if desired.

    • Disabled

      • Hides the date marker on Gantt's timeline

  • Date interpretation

    • Date and time (default)

      • Time is also considered and presented on the timeline axis.

    • Date only

      • Only dates are presented, and no time is present on the timeline axis

  • Timeline stripes

    • Enabled (default)Shows timeline stripes and allows you to color them. This is non-related of the Weekend colors. The default color is #f5f5f5

    • Disabled

  • Holiday

    • Disabled (default)

    • Enabled

      • A global version of the Custom periods, but instead, this feature covers all dimension groups and is not specific to one level. The feature can be driven either by your data model or by inputting a CSV-like script into the expression field.

      • Watch the video (Video 1) for more information on this feature.

        Video 1: Vizlib April 2023 monthly video roundup

      • Like the Custom periods and Vertical reference lines example (Figure 5 in Custom Event Objects) you can use a Vertical reference line along with the Holiday feature to label events, such as Christmas (Figure 1.2).

        Figure 1.2: Combining elements to make the Holiday/periods more understandable

Range and Zoom

Figure 2 shows the full settings for the Range and Zoom properties of the Vizlib Gantt. Below is the explanation of each property.

Figure 2: Range and zoom settings

  • Range boundaries

    • Disabled (default)

    • Enabled

      • When enabled, the options seen in Figure 2 appear with two input fields and the option to Show horizontal scrollbar.

      • Populating the boundaries limits how far users can navigate left or right of the timeline.

      • Show horizontal scrollbar

        • Off (default)

        • On

          • When the option is checked, a horizontal scrollbar is displayed.

    • Learn more about Range boundaries in Video 2:

      Video 2

  • Focus date

    • When the Vizlib Gantt first loads/refreshes, this is the default display of the Vizlib Gantt:

    • Midpoint (default)

      • The midpoint of your date. This is calculated by Min(Start Date) and Max(End Date).

    • Today

      • Displays today's date

    • Earliest

      • The first event in your data model that is being presented on the Vizlib Gantt.

    • Latest

      • The last event in your data model that is being presented on the Vizlib Gantt.

    • Custom

    • Using a static date or an expression to define what the default load of the Gantt chart is.

  • Show only selected hours

    • Disabled (default)

    • Enabled

      • When enabled, the choice of start and end hours are presented. This then removed all hours, minutes, and seconds that are outside of the hours you specified.

  • Zoom settings

    • Custom

    • Custom takes the parameters:

      • Minimum days displayed - specifies the minimum (smallest) number of days to display when fully zoomed in

      • Maximum days displayed - specifies the maximum (largest) number of days to display when fully zoomed out

    • Default days displayed:

      • Auto - On the first load/reload of the Vizlib Gantt, the default view is the number specified in the Maximum days' displayed input box

      • Custom - On the first load/reload of the Vizlib Gantt, this is a static or expression-driven number of data first shown

    • Static

      • On the first load/reload of the Vizlib Gantt, this is a static or expression-driven number of days to be displayed

        Note: If this setting is active then the user cannot zoom in or out of the Vizlib Gantt.