Custom Events Objects

Vizlib Gantt allows for easily adding visual elements without the added complexity.

Custom event objects for the Vizlib Gantt are elements that do not rely on the data used within the chart. This means you can add additional elements on the fly (for unpublished apps) or, in Edit mode, add custom objects such as: Events, Milestones, Periods, and Reference lines.

Note: Please turn off Touch screen mode in Qlik to create Custom objects with the Context menu.

Note: You cannot search or interact by selecting custom-added events or milestones.

Important: You cannot update the Vizlib Gantt with Custom objects whilst in a published Qlik application. You must first unpublish the app to add Custom events using the Context menu.

This topic contains the following sections:

Vertical Reference Lines

Vertical reference lines (VRL) are elements that extend over the entirety of the Vizlib Gantt and only require a date for them to become visible. Figure 1.1 presents an example of a VRL on a Vizlib Gantt chart.

Figure 1.1: Example of the Vertical reference line on a Vizlib Gantt chart

Figure 1.2: Vertical reference line options in the property panel

In Figure 1.2, the VRL had several options:

  • Value (Date/Timestamp)

    • This is a time which is either specified by an expression, or a static date.

    • In Figure 1.2, this is a static date.

  • Reference name (Optional)

    • This names the label.

    • In Figure 1.2, this is a static name.

  • Color

    • The color of the line and label the same color.

    • In Figure 1.2, this is a static color.

  • Show label

    • When TRUE, the Reference name is displayed.

      Figure 1.3: Visible label

    • When FALSE, the Reference name is hidden.

      Figure 1.4: Hidden label

Custom Milestones

Custom milestones are non-data-model-related elements that cannot be filtered or interacted with other than hovering over the element to present a tooltip, if specified.

Custom milestones can be added via the context menu on an unpublished Qlik application. This is a behaviour that cannot be changed. Seen in Figure 2.1 is an example of creating a custom milestone in the Vizlib Gantt.

Figure 2.1: Using the context menu to add a custom milestone

Figure 2.2: Custom milestone options in the property panel

Figure 2.2 has many editable options. They are:

  • Date

    • This is either a timestamp or an expression

  • Label

    • This is the name of the Custom milestone

  • Groups

    • This is a dynamic section of the property and requires you to populate all the necessary sections for the milestone to be displayed.

      Note: Currently, you cannot add custom objects to groups with more than three (3) dimensions or zero (0) dimensions.

  • Type

    • The display type of the milestone:

      • Symbol

      • Icon

      • Image

  • Color

    • Auto

    • Cutom

  • Size

    • The pixel (px) height of the custom object

  • Milestone labels

    • Enabled

    • Disabled

  • Tooltip

  • Delete

    • Delete the object

Note: You cannot search or interact by selecting custom-added events or milestones.

Custom Periods

Adding a Custom period to the Vizlib Gantt chart presents itself like in the example below (Figure 3.1). The Custom period appears below all other elements.

Figure 3.1: Example of a Custom period on the Vizlib Gantt chart

Figure 3.2: Custom milestone options in the property panel The properties of the Custom period are:

  • Start date

    • This is either a timestamp or an expression

  • End date

    • This is either a timestamp or an expression

  • Label

    • This is the name of the Custom milestone

  • Groups

    • This is a dynamic section of the property and requires you to populate all the necessary sections for the milestone to be displayed.

      Note: Currently, you cannot add custom objects to groups with more than three (3) dimensions or zero (0) dimensions.

  • Color

    • Change the color of the Custom period

  • Opacity

    • The opacity of the Custom period.

Custom Events

Custom events are non-data-model-related elements that cannot be filtered or interacted with other than hovering over the element to present a tooltip if specified.

Custom events can be added via the context menu on an unpublished Qlik application. This is a behaviour that cannot be changed. Seen in Figure 4.1 is an example of creating a custom event in the Vizlib Gantt.

Figure 4.1: Using the context menu to add a custom event

Figure 4.2: Custom milestone options in the property panel

Figure 4.2 has many editable options. They are:

  • Start date

    • This is either a timestamp or an expression

  • End date

    • This is either a timestamp or an expression

  • Label

    • This is the name of the Custom milestone

  • Groups

    • This is a dynamic section of the property and requires you to populate all the necessary sections for the milestone to be displayed.

      Note: Currently, you cannot add custom objects to groups with more than three (3) dimensions or zero (0) dimensions.

  • Show progress bar

    • Off

    • On

  • Calculation mode

  • Color

    • Auto

    • Custom

  • Tooltip

  • Delete

    • Delete the object

Note: The options in the property panel will be prepopulated if you made the element using the context menu.

Combining Elements

Utilizing a Vertical reference line and a Custom period with the same start date results in an informative period announcement. An example of this can be seen in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Example showing the benefit of using multiple custom objects together