Properties - Layers - Pie Chart

A Pie Chart layer is the most straightforward and efficient visual tool for comparing parts of a whole. This article contains details of the settings specific to the pie chart layer. You can find more information on the shared settings for layers here.

Figure 1: Example

This topic contains the following sections:

Dimensions and Measures

The Dimension and Measure settings let you define the measure and dimension in your pie chart (Figure 2). You can also choose to sort by Dimension or Measure and choose to customize a Sorting method

Figure 2: Dimension and Measure

Color Mode, Piechart Styling

The pie chart offers a choice of Color Mode: Single, Dimension or Range. The Piechart Styling settings (Figure 3) are managed using sliders for the Piechart Pad Angle, Piechart Inner Radius, Piechart Corner Radius, Piechart Opacity, Piechart Offset, Piechart Stroke Width, and select a Stroke Color with the color picker.

Figure 3: Color Mode, Piechart Styling


If you choose to display a label with Show Labels (Figure 4), you can set the Pie Label Color, choose the Orientation, set the Labels Position, and the Piechart Font Size.

Figure 4: Labels