
Interactivity is the last section of Vizlib Gantt's property panel. The options here define how the Vizlib Gantt chart behaves when users interact with it.

The image (Figure 1.1) shows the Interactivity options which control the Vizlib Gantt. There are four (4) sub-sections:

  • Selections

  • Context menu

  • Group panel

  • Icons and Tooltips

Figure 1.1: Interactivity from the Vizlib Gantt's property panel

The options are explained below.


  • Enable selections

    • Enabled (default)

    • Disabled

      • The user is unable to click to select an Event/Group.

      • Hides all options within the Selections section (Allow multiselection, Allow event selection, Allow group selection, and Allow selection of dates on axis).

  • Allow multiselection

    • Checked (default)

    • Unchecked

  • Allow event selection

    • Checked (default)

    • Unchecked

      • Unable to select Events on the timeline.

  • Allow group selection

    • Checked (default)

    • Unchecked

      • Unable to select Groups on the timeline.

  • Allow selection of dates on axis

    • Checked (default)

    • Unchecked

      • Unable to select the axis date/time

Context Menu

  • Checked (Figure 1.2)(default)

    • Shows the Vizlib extended Context menu.

      • Set zoom level

        • Zooms in/out to a specific range as defined by the Range and zoom (Figure 1.4).

        • Learn more about Range and Zoom here.

          Figure 1.4: Example zoom ranges

        • Zoom to fit

          • Zooms out to the maximum allowed as defined by the Range and zoom.

          • Learn more about Range and zoom here.

        • Add custom items

    • Unchecked (Figure 1.3)

      • Shows the default Context menu (Qlik default)

        Figure 1.2: Vizlib Gantt-specific Context menu options

        Figure 1.3: Hides the Vizlib Gantt-specific Context menu options

Group Panel

  • Allow collapse

    • Checked

      • When checked, an arrow to collapse the Group panel appears. When clicked, it hides the Group panel. Clicking on it again displayed the group panel.

      • Watch the Vizlib May 2023 Monthly Roundup Highlights (Video 1) for more details.

        Video 1: Group panel collapse

    • Unchecked (default)

Icon and Tooltip

  • Full screen icon

    • Enabled (default)

    • Disabled

  • Fit entire Gantt to export

    • Enabled (default)

    • Disabled

      • Exports what you see to PDF

  • Tooltips

    • Enabled (default)

    • Disabled

      • Hides the Tooltips section in the Vizlib Gantt Property panel and doesn't display Tooltips on the Vizlib Gantt's Events or Groups.

      • Learn more about Tooltips and Tooltips on the Vizlib Gantt.